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March 11, 2013 Productivity
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We had a great webinar last Thursday, covering the new features in JustCode, JustTrace, JustMock, and JustDecompile. The hour was packed with tons of information covering each tool’s new features, and I included the video in this post so you can watch it yourself. If you prefer a quick overview, the slide deck is available below. Download the PowerPoint file to read the notes.

Correction: I included a line in the slide deck that JustCode supports jQuery templates. At this time, we support Kendo UI templates, not jQuery templates.

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Several members of the development teams were on deck to answer questions. I’ve compiled and edited these to share with all of you. If you have questions of your own, or want clarification, please leave a comment!



You are using Web API and ApiController for your demos. Do the features support plain MVC and Controller?

Yes. Instead of returning an IEnumerable<Tweet>, I would return a JsonResult. The API Controller simply handles the requests. Kendo supports other data sources, so you aren’t restricted to JSON.

Is the @ sign a variable indicator?

Yes, variables in LESS are marked with @. See for more details on LESS language features.

Do these tools work with IDEs other than Visual Studio?

JustDecompile and JustTrace both provide standalone applications. LESS and Kendo UI are not dependent on any IDE. JustMock works outside of the IDE. JustCode is a Visual Studio tool.

Do these features work in Visual Studio 2010?

JustCode, JustTrace, and JustMock work in Visual Studio 2010 as well as in Visual Studio 2012. (Note: JustDecompile is a standalone product).

Can I install just one product, like JustTrace, or must I install them all?

The Just suite is comprised of separate tools. You can install them individually.

The one caveat is that the engine of one may be included in another. For example, JustTrace includes the JustDecompile engine. If you install only JustTrace, it will include the library for decompilation (used in the View Source feature), but you will not have the JustDecompile application.


Does the new constants preview feature in JustCode work with enums?

Yes, this works when enum field is assigned to a variable or constant.

Can you export preferences for code problems and code styles to enforce team standards?

Yes. Enable this at the solution-level by going to Options, Shared Settings.

Why does JustCode always ask me to rename button click events?

This is typically due to alternate naming conventions. By default, JustCode uses Pascal-casing for methods. Visual Studio generates event handlers using underscores. For the default scenario, add a secondary rule to your method naming conventions to allow Pascal-case underscore.

Can you use T4 instead of LESS?

Yes, but whereas T4 is a general templating language, LESS is designed to look and feel like a feature-rich CSS. JustCode recognizes LESS files and enables features to support the language, and this is unavailable with T4.

Can JustCode refactor a hard-coded color in a LESS file into a variable?

This is currently unavailable. However, extending the number of LESS refactorings is on our roadmap.

Can I export JustCode’s options and apply them in another Visual Studio installation?

You can easily do this by using the cloud sync feature. See this article for more details:


Can JustTrace profile Azure apps running in the Azure emulator?

Azure and Azure emulator are not supported profile targets, but adding this is in our backlog. Please vote for this feature on the JustTrace Feedback Portal so we can prioritize these features according to demand.

Does JustTrace support ORM traces, such as NHibernate?

This is not currently a supported scenario. Please vote for this feature on the JustTrace Feedback Portal.


What is automocking?

Please see this article:

Can I mock static methods in Silverlight applications?

JustMock does not currently support this scenario, but it is in our backlog.


If JustDecompile with the deobfuscation plugin is so good, how can developers protect their code?

JustDecompile creates a representation of the code based upon the compiler-generated IL. Many obfuscation techniques make it so a clean representation can never be completely recovered.

The best way to protect your code’s functionality from reverse-engineering is to place it in a web service. No assembly == no decompilation.

Do you have a comparison table against other decompilers?

No, we do not have one available. However, if you find a feature you would like to see in JustDecompile, please let us know on our UserVoice.

Does JustDecompile support Windows 8 assemblies?



As you can see from the video, there’s a lot of good stuff in this release! In my opinion, the best part is how it becomes an extension of your workflow, enabling you to be more productive and create better applications.

Happy Coding!

About the Author

Chris Eargle

is a Microsoft C# MVP with over a decade of experience designing and developing enterprise applications, and he runs the local .NET User Group: the Columbia Enterprise Developers Guild. He is a frequent guest of conferences and community events promoting best practices and new technologies. Chris is a native Carolinian; his family settled the Dutch Form region of South Carolina in 1752. He currently resides in Columbia with his wife, Binyue, his dog, Laika, and his three cats: Meeko, Tigger, and Sookie. Amazingly, they all get along... except for Meeko, who is by no means meek.

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