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October 02, 2013 Mobile
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Before getting to the core topic let's answer a few simple questions:

Question: What is Telerik Cloud Data Sync?
Answer: The Telerik Cloud Data Sync is a data component which enables you to easily synchronize Cloud based data among multiple devices while having offline access to it. The component automatically tracks all changes and makes sure they are all synched correctly.

Question: How easy is it to set up?
Answer: Easier than you think. Actually you simply need to set up the connection with the cloud service and define your business models by inheriting from a special class. Everything else is a matter of calling the SynchronizeAsync method.

Question: What Cloud services are supported?
Answer: Initially the Telerik Everlive Cloud Services were supported but now we are upgrading with support for Azure Mobile Services (something that was requested by many of you).

Yes indeed: now you will be able to let your users work with their data even when offline without bothering how to synchronize. And that works now with Azure Mobile Services and Telerik Everlive Cloud Services.

Setting up the whole thing includes a few simple steps the trickiest one being the need to update the corresponding Azure Mobile Service server-side scripts for insert and update operations. The changes include setting a time-stamp on the modified objects. To simplify things, we made a step-by-step guide for your convenience.

Additionally, the RadControls for Windows Phone Q3 2013 installation package will add a new Visual Studio Project template that will automatically create a Windows Phone app that is connected to Azure Mobile Services and utilizes the Telerik Cloud Sync. We also have a step-by-step guide demonstrating how to manually integrate the mechanism into an existing Windows Phone app if you need to do so.

We are really eager to hear what you think so check out the new release and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

The official Q3 2013 release is coming later in October, but if you are interested in testing the Beta, you can download the trial build from here. For the license owners, the registered beta build is available under downloads section under their accounts.

We are going to award with Telerik points, every real bug report and suggestion for improvement so don't hesitate to send us your feedback via the Feedback Portal, the support ticketing system and the Beta forum.

About the Author

Deyan Ginev

Deyan has been with Telerik for more than ​six years working on several different products with main focus on mobile technologies. Deyan is currently working on NativeScript– a platform for developing native mobile apps with JavaScript. Find him on Twitter via

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