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February 06, 2014 Web, ASP.NET AJAX
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Let’s start with the news – RadChart is obsolete as of Q1 2014 (end of Feburary 2014). Technical support for the control will be available until Q3 2014.

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX suite has two powerful charting components. The Html Chart control has been racing to catch up with the RadChart veteran and it has finally come to the final match.

We have put a lot of effort into providing the necessary functionality in RadHtmlChart for it to become a worthy successor (you can follow the voyage here) and with the new features that are coming in Q1 2013 we believe it can actually replace the previous champion. It is time to retire the old code in favor of the new and all the benefits it brings (like performance and richer interactivity).

How does this affect me?

If you are just starting with Telerik’s ASP.NET charting—simply go through RadHtmlChart’s demos and its online documentation to see what it can do for you.

If you have been using RadChart, we have prepared an upgrade path for you—the help articles below will show you how to migrate existing RadCharts to RadHtmlCharts:

Retired does not mean gone!

Even after we drop support for RadChart, its code will remain in the Telerik.Web.UI assembly and its documentation will stay live as a reference guide.

Thus, if you want to keep using RadChart—you can; if you use a feature that RadHtmlChart does not have—you can keep using it; if you do not have the time to migrate—there is no rush.

The old champion is still in your corner, ready to help you. We will not provide fixes, improvements, new features and support for RadChart. That’s all.

We will NOT break your existing applications, we only encourage you to use RadHtmlChart for your new projects.

About the Author

Marin Bratanov

Marin Bratanov was a Principal Technical Support Engineer in the Blazor division.