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June 30, 2011 Mobile
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Q2 2011 Beta 2 of RadControls for Windows Phone 7 is on its way and part of the box is a meaty new RadDataBoundListBox feature: multiple items selection ability. As many of you already know, the mail client on all Windows Phones shows a check box next to each visual container thus allowing the end-user to select a bunch of items and perform an action with them. RadDataBoundListBox can now do pretty much the same thing by exposing a very convenient API and neat UX for working with checkboxes.

There is now a CheckedItems collection which exposes methods for checking/unchecking items programmatically, as well as contains all currently checked items. There are also events which can help track when an item is checked/unchecked or when checkboxes are shown or hidden. There is also a possibility to determine whether the checkboxes can be shown/hidden by your end-users or you, as a developer, will be the only one to manage this.

Here are a couple of screenshots demonstrating this new feature from UX perspective:




The cherry on the top of the cake is the possibility to bind the checked state of an item to a property defined on your business object. In this way your items will be checked automatically and in case the property on the business object has a setter - the checked state will be synched back when the end-user checks/unchecks the item. Furthermore if the business object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and in case the target ‘checked’ property changes, the visual state of the item in the viewport of RadDataBoundListBox will be automatically updated. Nice!

Now it’s your turn: go download the new Beta 2 and give it a try. And don’t forget to get back to us with feedback – we will be more than happy to hear from you :-)!

About the Author

Deyan Ginev

Deyan has been with Telerik for more than ​six years working on several different products with main focus on mobile technologies. Deyan is currently working on NativeScript– a platform for developing native mobile apps with JavaScript. Find him on Twitter via