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November 07, 2013 Mobile
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As you may have already noticed, a couple of weeks ago Telerik announced its brand new BaaS called Everlive. In short: it’s our own approach to offloading you from thinking about where and how to store your mobile application’s data and simply concentrate on providing the best experience to your users still having a secure and scalable backend. As you may have also noticed, with Q2 2013 we announced a brand new suite of controls: Telerik Cloud Controls for Windows Phone. These controls are designed to combine the power of our already rocking RadControls for Windows Phone suite and the flexibility of Everlive. In other words, we want you to be able to build a connected and really functional apps without concerns about where and how to store data, user profiles; or how to manage push notifications and files.

So how does it all happen at the end of the day?

It’s simple: we have identified several very common scenarios that you can see in almost every mobile app that uses some kind of Cloud connectivity:
  • Social network integration
  • User profile management
  • Cloud settings
  • File and picture galleries
  • Notifications and developer feedback
  • Data synchronization across multiple devices

After doing this, we decided to utilize our existing UI components and implement a smart integration layer between front- and backend so that all of the above cases are easily implementable with a few simple steps. And as a proof of concept, we designed a couple of real-life applications utilizing all components from the Telerik Cloud Controls for Windows Phone suite so that you can easily get started using them.

Is Everlive the only service supported?

Tight integration with Everlive was our initial idea but we quickly realized that we should broaden our vision and consider other BaaS providers. As of now we partially support Azure Mobile Services in the context of the CloudDataSync component that enables you to automatically sync data across multiple devices. And we want to hear from you what other services would be of interest:

Azure Mobile Services






How to get started?

Just download the latest Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone release and make sure to browse through our online help:

Telerik Cloud Controls for Windows Phone Overview

Additionally, you may want to look for the WindowsPhone and Cloud keywords on our blogs:

Windows Phone Team Blog

How can I share my thoughts about the product?

We want to hear from you on this and expect you to be active on our dedicated forums. Let us know what you think and what do you want to see us doing:

Cloud Controls for Windows Phone forums

About the Author

Deyan Ginev

Deyan has been with Telerik for more than ​six years working on several different products with main focus on mobile technologies. Deyan is currently working on NativeScript– a platform for developing native mobile apps with JavaScript. Find him on Twitter via

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