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January 10, 2006 People
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Over the last couple of years we've heard quite a few complaints that it's not easy to find your way around and that information is scattered. I myself have been amazed how much content is there but nobody knows about it. Responding to the growing pressure from customers and our team we have been re-working our corporate site over the last few months. One part of our efforts was (and continues to be) to improve structure and content. The other part of the solution was to add powerful search capabilities to our web property.

Once there was a clear need for a new software solution we started looking for third-party software as there was no point to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, everybody had a clear understanding that it would be quite an effort to build a powerful AND reliable search engine.

After a lot of experiments it turned out that the solution was just in front of us and we should have simply started off with the offering of our partners at Mondosoft ( After a few weeks of setup and configuration we finally went live with MondoSearch last week. The capabilities of the search system are just AWESOME and the Mondosoft tool is very friendly from an administration point of view. The good news is that the search indexes all forum posts as well and it displays very relevant results so it's much more likely to quickly find solutions to a specific problem.

If anyone still has problems finding the right information, do let us know. It would be great to get your feedback whether MondoSearch has improved your experience on In any case, thanks for the great Software, Mondosoft!

About the Author

Vassil Terziev

As Chief Innovation Officer at Progress, Vassil Terziev is responsible for identifying growth strategies and new market opportunities, as well as promoting internal innovation.