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March 30, 2012 Productivity
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Visual Studio 11 Beta has already been around for several weeks and most of you have already tried it. Plenty of different opinions were out there – from praising the cool new features it offers, to grumbling about the surprisingly changed user interface.

For all of you who are developing your applications leveraging the cutting-edge technologies on the market, we want to assure you: OpenAccess ORM will not be missing in Visual Studio 11 and you will be able to use it immediately, even in the VS's Beta version. In fact, since there is still a long way to go until Q2, we have just released an internal build for both trial and licensed users that supports it! Here is how the new preview feature of the Visual Studio looks like with our Domain Model files:


Don't forget our Code-Only API NuGet packages, also available in Visual Studio 11 Beta.

Stay tuned and get ready to embrace the future of development with Telerik OpenAccess ORM!

About the Author

Ivailo Ivanov

 is Team Lead in Telerik Data Access