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August 07, 2008 Desktop, WPF
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As announced by Vladimir RadControls for WPF FUTURES suite is out and we already started to get your feedback. Vladimir and Todd have already drawn you attention to RadChart for WPF, so I decided to show you RadGauge -- another product from the same suite.

You wouldn't be surprised to know that RadGauge will allow you to visualize various measurements in completely customizable manner. Here are some of the main features:

Linear scales - RadGauge offers linear scales, the length or the position of the indicator over a line/bar will measure the value. There can be 4 types of indicators - elements, that point to a value along the scale:

  • Marker - a small shape that can be located around the scale.
  • Bar - a colored bar drawn around the scale. One of the ends of this bar points to the scale value.
  • State Indicator - a shape with arbitrary size located anywhere in the scale. If state indicator's value falls into one of the scale ranges then shape is filled with brush of this range.
  • Numeric indicator - shows its value as a number.

Here is an example - thermometer, created by two linear scales. The Fahrenheit scale has its StartOffset and EndOffset properties set in order to match the values with the Celsius scale.


Radial scales - Values are shown on a radial scale. The layout of the radial scale is set up by four parameters: StartAngle, SweepAngle, Radius and Center.

Besides the 4 indicators available for the linear scales, the radial scales offer another one -- Needle indicator - a shape that looks like a needle with one end positioned at the center of the scale and other end pointing to the scale value.


A Needle, Marker and Bar indicators can point their values to the scale using a movement animation effect. The animation allows the smooth running of an indicator from one value to the next. These indicators can also point their values to the scale using the snap effect.

Some gauge applications require that the indicator clearly shows when there is no valid data currently available. The special "Off Position" tick mark comes in handy in such case. It can be located outside the scale Min and Max values.



One of the must features for a gauge control is "TickMarks". RadGauge provides 3 types of tick marks

  • Major - specifies the primary value intervals along the whole length of the scale. Major tick marks can have a label. You can specify common properties and appearance of the major tick mark using MajorTick property of the scale.
  • Middle - specifies the secondary value intervals inside a primary value interval. Middle tick marks can't have a label.
  • Minor - specifies the third level of the value intervals a inside secondary value interval. Minor tick marks can't have a label.

Sometimes it is necessary to show additional tick marks and labels in particular scale position. Besides the flexible standard tick marks, The RadGauge control provides custom tick marks, which allow you to do it. As well as for the standard tick marks, for the particular tick marks you can specify location and offset of the tick relative to the scale bar.

Here is an example of RadGauge with two scales - the bottom one shows frequency using custom tick marks and the upper one shows bar indicators.



Ranges - gauge elements that represent a continuous set of values along a scale. Every range has maximum and minimum value, and will fire event when indicator enters, leaves or stays in range during specified time - EnterRange, LeaveRange and RangeTimeout.

Finally - another two features I am sure you will like - scale can be reversed and/or logarithmic:


Download RadControls for WPF FUTURES and drop us a line.