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December 11, 2014 Web
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Planning a front-end web application is about more than just picking a few JavaScript solutions to aid in the architecture and testing of a web application. While this might be where much of the front-end community focuses, seasoned developers know that building enterprise-grade software is much more than this.

In this article, I am going to describe 16 steps that front-end developers should go through when planning a front-end web application. These steps aim to cover the entire life-cycle of a front-end application. However, before diving in, I need to clarify a few front-end terms that remain unsettled in the industry.


First, when I use the term "Front-end JavaScript Application," I am talking about a Single Page Application, API driven, likely unhosted, and built by a team of developers, as opposed to one developer playing the part of a full-stack engineer.

Second, when I use the term "front-end developer," I am speaking about a developer who develops using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in a first class manner. These technologies are the at the core of the developer's competencies and the developer views these technologies as the primary (and the web platform) materials for building complex applications.

Third, crafting a web application with just the right parts is a skill likened to building a race car. A professional race car is not bought off the lot at the local car dealer and neither should an entire front-end application solution. Thus, the developer I'm speaking about is, more than likely not, a fan of all-in-one integrated development environments, full-stack development tools, or heavy handed frameworks in general.

I also need to clarify that the front-end developer I'm speaking about works on a large team of developers and would rarely be responsible for developing the entire app front-to-back, the data api, or any back-end services consumed by the front-end team. Thus, tools that offer integrated full stack features are avoided by this type of front-end developer.

The last clarification I need to make is that I don't presuppose that building an enterprise grade app requires a monolithic integrated framework from a single vendor and that it's completeness alone makes it an enterprise-worthy solution. This, I believe, is a dying concept from the early years of software development. Modern, front-end engineers favor loosely coupled systems that avoid vendor lock-in (i.e. hard to change systems) and lock down (systems that don't play well with others). These modern systems are not only viable for the enterprise, they can elevate a lot of the downfalls associated with enterprise software. In my opinion, these styles of tools which were once considered helpful to developers, are now considered harmful.

An example of a more modern stack of loosely coupled tools for building enterprise applications is Kendo UI. It provides enterprise grade tools, but it won't lock you in or lock you out of being able to change, evolve, or use it with other third party solutions.

With that all said, let's begin.

Step 1. Verify you have a working & stable data API.

This first step presumes API first development, which is an excellent method that I highly recommended.

In a nutshell, API first development means you document, build, and test your API first. This means you have a relatively stable API before you write any application code.

Note that during API construction, front-end developers should be prototyping minimal viable features using the API and providing feedback to the API engineers.

The main reason to follow API first development is to reduce the possible deficiencies in the API from being amplified in the data layer and causing ten-fold pain and misery. I've found the following quote, from @julio_ody in the Pragmatic Guide to Backbone.js Apps book to be painfully true:

"data layer will absorb your API's ugliness and amplify it by one hundred" - @julio_ody

You want to do everything in your power up front to avoid having to make up for your API's deficiencies in your application logic. Not having a documented and mostly solidified data API before a line of application code is written, is asking for pain and misery in the future. Build your API first. Document it, test it, and then be ready to evolve it as you build out the applications that use it.

It's worth noting that it may be assumed that security and authentication details will accompany the API. It is also assumed that the API developers will provide a development API to be used for development. Using the same data API for both development and production should never be an option.

Step 2. Select software management tools

To manage the development of the front-end application, you'll minimally need to select the following software management tools to manage code, assets, and team members' tasks:

software management tools examples
ticketing system (i.e. bugs) github
version control system github
document/asset storage slack & conceptboard
team communication slack & conceptboard
task manager trello

Pick these up front and make everyone use them. If you have a team member who won't get on board with the tools, then you have an enemy within. Please don't take my last statement and use it as a tool to force development tools on developers. Development tools and development management tools are not the same thing. Developers should never be forced into something like an IDE, text editor, or command like text editor.

Step 3. Create a foundational specification

Each project is going to be different and will, of course, have its own specification relevant to the problem being solved. However, a foundational specification can be created before you spec out the actual application. These specifications are important to establish upfront and should remain unchanged during development. All decisions made after the foundation spec will depend on the decisions made in the foundational specification.

Make sure you carefully consider each specification mentioned below.

foundational spec. example
devices & min. resolutions laptop/desktop & 1024x768
OS/browsers OS X & Win 8 on ie9+, FF, Safari & Chrome, latest
languages (i.e. localization) English & Bulgarian language
cultures (i.e. globalization) English & Bulgarian culture
offline first Yes
accessibility section 508 & WAI-ARIA 1.0
SEO none (done on product site)

Note: What I'm about to say is contentious. You might just skip this part if you are easily offend by a differing opinion.

I do not mention responsive design or mobile first when creating a foundational specification for front-end applications. I did this because I assume no one who builds user-centered web application interfaces would do this for an application. In general, you should build applications (user heavy data interactions) specifically to the needs of the user and the device they are using. Constructing a single code base that can meet the needs of users on multiple devices is simply too problematic on too many fronts. Mission critical interactions are too diverse across devices and thus the code is extremely diverse. This much diversity in the code is unnecessary complexity. A RWD web app is a concept that seeds complexity. I'd avoid it. With that said, and before you send me textual hate, I do believe responsive design has its place among websites. My main point is that it loses its value and purpose quickly when you shove its patterns and practices into application development. For example, facebook would never build an application from a single code base that runs on all platforms/devices. They build platform/device specific applications because that is what is best for the user.

Step 4. Select a software development process

In my experience, picking a process and making sure everyone follows it is more important than the actual type of process one chooses. I've tried several software development methodologies. Most have left me feeling like that moment when you recognize the gap between what you are sold and what you actually get.

The more recent agile-minded software development processes feel like the sweet spot for building applications. I've tried very strict agile processes and very loose agile processes. The processes I've found to be ideal are the custom, loosely enforced, agile-like processes that can be wrapped around the uniqueness of the project and team members. Roughly, the process I'd choose to start with looks something like this:

  • meet Monday morning, prioritize development tasks then pick tasks that you can accomplish by the week's end so that you avoid the dreaded two day context switch (i.e. the weekend);
  • meet at the start of each day (Tues - Fri) and discuss what you are doing and what you need in order to get things done;
  • communicate with whomever you need to, however you can;
  • iterate until it's right (for the users), then release per your release plan;

Step 5. Select a development platform & a host platform (i.e. staging & production platforms)

A platform (i.e. server & server language) for serving the application both locally and on the web should be selected. The obvious choice, and likely the only right choice for front-end engineers working on a JavaScript application, is Node.js.

platforms example
development Node.js running locally
staging & production host Node.JS running on

Most front-end engineers will never be professional back-end Node.js developers by trade. But, the fact that they can get a lot of stuff done (serving, testing, preprocessing, creating tasks etc.) using Node.js is the ideal situation when compared to older platform scenarios that require a front-end engineer to do a language and skill switch. Or worse, platform scenarios that require a job title switch, like being a DBA on a locally running instance of MySQL running on a random OS or virtual machine. Switching operating systems, platforms, and languages to build a front-end application is completely unnecessary today. Consider using JavaScript for everything, not because JavaScript is the best for everything, but because the average developer can get more done faster without language switching.

Step 6. Select package managers

Managing third party code and their dependencies should not be a manual task performed by a human. Package managers should perform this duty. As of today, I believe it still makes good sense to select a separate package manager for your application code and your code that is parsed by a browser engine. Below are some choices for front-end developers.

package managers example
Node.js package manager NPM
browser package manager bower

Step 7. Select site & user analytic tools

A lot of developers wait until the end of a project to integrate analytics, but one should not wait for development to end to select, plan, and integrate analytic tools. The reason not to wait is that these tools often have tentacles (especially user analytic tools) into the application code and its organization. Select analytic tools up front, plan accordingly, and consider their usage during development. It's fairly common to have a separate tool for site analytics and one to help facilitate the type of user analytics you require.

analytics tools example
site analytics chartbeat
user analytics mixpanel

Step 8. Select error, quality, and style code enforcement tools

When working on a team, the goal should be that each file is written as if it were coded from a single developer's mind in regards to error prevention, formating, and style. Three main types of tools (i.e. code linters/hinters, code style checker, and a code editor config file) aid this process and should be properly implement and configured before coding begins.

error, quality, and style enforcement code tools example
linters/hinters CSSLint, HTMLhint, JShint
code style checker JavaScript Code Style
code editor configuration file .editorconfig

It's fairly common that these tools will run every time a developer saves a file in their code editor and/or commits code to a revision system like Git. I've even implemented a Git hook that would double check the enforcements and reject a code push if any of the code failed to pass. However, the most common implementation of these tools is found in a the application building process.

Step 9. Select an automated task running tool

A tool will be required to automate tasks because humans fail miserably at completing repetitive tasks consistently, especially very complicated tasks like those associated with software creation. Ideally, the tasking tool will be programmable in a familiar language (i.e. JavaScript) and even better if the language you write to create tasks is the same language as the platform you develop on (i.e. Node.JS). The task tool will be used locally, on the continuous integration server, and potentially on the staging and production host mostly for making builds (enforcement, testing, deploying, constructing, and optimizing code etc...).

The most common JavaScript task runners are Grunt.js, Gulp.js, or npm run using your package.json file.

Whatever you do, just don't assume humans will manually perform tasks or that you can afford the expense of human-driven processes.

Step 10. Select application architecture/structure (and corresponding tools/solutions)

This step is where the majority of those doing front-end application development give their time and attention. I believe this is a mistake. If you are still with me by this point, you see that I believe that this is only one step of many in planning a front-end application.

In this step, you have to pick a set of tools that will fit your team and the organization when architecting and structuring application code. The solutions might not always be what you personally think is best, but instead what is pragmatically best for the problem you are trying to solve and the types of developers who are solving it.

When I am asked what JavaScript application tool one should use, I simply reply, "the one you think all the developers can use that won't end up in a horrible mess of unmanageable code". This of course is relative to the company, team, and problem you are solving!

A possible stack of solutions you might consider which is rather popular today could be:

app architecture/structure example
MV* AngularJS
templates MVVM from AngularJS
module communication AngularJS $rootScope.$broadcast and $scope.$on for a PubSub communication.
data abstraction Kendo UI dataSource
app structure NG seed
routing AngularUI Router
dependency management AngularJS Dependency Injection
widgets/components Kendo UI (using built-in directives)
css UI frameworks Material Design for Angular

I hope after you examine the stack above you will concern yourself less with the actual examples given, and more with the how I labeled the parts. What I want you to realize is that your application needs:

  • MV* (something to organize models, views, and app logic/controller)
  • templates (e.g. strings templates or MVVM)
  • module communication (i.e. global event bus or sub/pub)
  • data abstraction (i.e. abstraction that deals with data api & models)
  • app structure (i.e. folder structure and how you break up the parts of the app)
  • routing system (i.e. call X function when url changes)
  • dependency management (i.e. how are module dependencies loaded/required)
  • widgets/components (e.g. grid widget, make sure these fit into your globalization and localization specifications)
  • CSS UI frameworks (e.g bootstrap, foundation, pure, topcoat etc..)

The specific solutions chosen to architect and structure an application is less important than making sure you understand the role and purpose of each part, and that you make the proper use of each when your application requires it. If what am saying is cryptic, simply take the bulleted list above and make sure you completely grok each list item and its role in application development.

The last thing I want to say about this step is that while most solutions will get the job done, ideally you want to use the simplest solution available given the context of the problem you are solving. Don't use a sledgehammer (e.g. AngularJS) when a regular hammer (e.g. vue.js) will do.

Step 11. Select testing methodologies & tools

How you test and what you test is less important than the fact that you test something. It's likely the case that you'll want to test each module or unit of code by writing unit tests. When all of the units of code unite to form a running application, you'll want to do functional testing. Below I detail the tools required (tasking tool facilitate all this) to do cross-browser unit and functional testing.

testing tools example
test runner (for unit testing) karma
unit testing framework mocha
unit testing assertions chai
unit testing mocking sinon.js
unit testing coverage blanketjs
browser testing platform (for unit & functional testing) browserstack
browser automation framework (for functional testing) nightwatch.js

Step 12. Select code quality/complexity tools

Analysis into the quality and complexity of the JavaScript modules written for front-end applications can be critically important for future-proofing code. It can help you keep modules small and simple and your development team honest, which can translate to highly maintainable code and less bugs. Use it, at the very least, to manually get a glimpse into the quality of the code being created. Or, better yet, fail a build if a developer tries to commit code that rises above the thresholds of complexity or below the thresholds of quality you are willing to accept in a module.

quality/complexity example
JavaScript Source Analysis Plato

If code analysis tools are a new concept for you, make sure you check out the analysis of the jQuery library. Plato's visual analysis makes it fairly obvious as to the value of analyzing code and how you might work it into an application life cycle.

Step 13. Define deployment strategy

You need a plan to get your local code to staging and production (i.e. deploy local code to public servers). After all, not everyone can always see your locally running application, even if you use some magic to make it happen. A continuous integration server is an ideal solution for crafting deployments regardless of whether you intend to deploy to production on every code push.

Let me step back for a moment from CI concepts and talk about local development. Ideally, anything you do during CI, you should be able to do locally. That means, building and testing your application should be crafted first to run locally. In fact, I will often run a second server locally that serves staging code on my local machine (i.e. what gets outputted during CI process). It's this local testing and build process that becomes automated once you set up your CI integration. I've loosely mapped out below what this might look like.

deployment tools example
continuous integration use codeship to deploy to modulus hosted staging and production

Step 14. Select package monitoring solution

Package managers alleviate manually managing dependencies but don't offer automated insight into upgrade paths for each package. Package monitoring tools can alleviate manually having to monitor packages for updates by notifying you about available updates or a potential security vulnerability. It can even auto-magically update packages for you based on semver configurations. At the very least, a package monitoring solution can help you speed up the process of updating dependencies by simply keeping you informed.

A tool like gemnasium can monitor both your npm package.json file as well as your bower.json file. Below is an example gemnasium dashboard for the package.json file used on the kendo-ui-core GitHub project.

Step 15. Select a JavaScript error monitoring solution

A JavaScript error monitoring tool needs to be selected to capture run-time errors occurring in staging and production code. Typically, this monitoring tool is not used on development code. Pick one, use it. Below, I am showing an example of the degree of detail provided for a JavaScript runtime with the Sentry solution.

This step is probably the most commonly skipped stepped in building JavaScript applications. Don't overlook capturing run time errors!

Step 16. Select a performance monitoring solution

Lastly, the monitoring and measurement of the uptime and performance of your application should consistently be on your mind. Use something like Pingdom to capture uptime and performance stats. I particularly like the alerting and reporting capabilities of these types of tools. It's like having a team of robots monitoring your uptime and performance every second of the day, then providing detailed reports as often as you'd like.


In conclusion, I want to ask and answer the question, "Why follow any of these steps when planning a front-end application?".

The entire goal of writing software should be to create something that can last. We plan out applications so that they are properly documented, tested, scalable, and monitored. This leads to software systems that are resistant to the effects of overwhelming code debt, spaghetti code, and consistently having to be burned down and built back up.

By providing these steps I am not suggesting that you should dogmatically follow each step or use each tool/solution/example I showcased in the step. The tools/solutions/examples (e.g. AngularJS) found in each step are given so that you can get the general context of the decision made in the step. If you take away anything from this article, it should be the category of decisions made in the step, not a specific tool/solution/example present in the step.

If you think I've missed anything major (like maybe code reviews), let me know in the comments.

If you'd like more content to chew on when planning a front-end JavaScript application, I recommend the following resources:

API first: API-first Design Approach APIS FIRST Three Ways API-First Development is the Future of Web Development

Building JS Apps:

Field Guide to Web Applications Human Javascript Overview and bullshit-dispelling Programming JavaScript Applications JavaScript Application Design - A Build First Approach

About the Author

Cody Lindley

Cody Lindley is a front-end developer working as a developer advocate for Telerik focused on the Kendo UI tools. He lives in Boise, ID with his wife and three children. You can read more about Cody on his site or follow him on Twitter at @codylindley.