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July 17, 2009 Release
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    For a while now, we've been thinking about trying to distinguish between the concept of a QSF (Quick Start Framework) and a Demo. As you know, we call our Demos a QSF, because people can use it to get started with our controls by simply reviewing the code of the example. However, this does not hold true for Telerik Reporting, where the code is auto-generated by the report designer, and thus it does not really help in learning the product. So we decided - why not show how the reports are made instead and leave the designer to take care of the code? In other words, we do not think that the sample reports we provide as demos are true quick-starts, but rather the end-result of what can be achieved with the product. We've redesigned the Demo pages in a manner that we can use as much space as possible - after all a report is meant for data presentation and the more you see the better.

    So you will notice that we've removed the tab controls that were at the bottom of the viewer as they were kind of redundant and did not really serve a purpose in the context of Telerik Reports. Instead what better way to present "the making of reports" than videos containing all important steps to help you get the idea behind a report. A "schematic" video available with each respective demo report, shows how this report was created in a rather quick and basic manner. There would be a "director's cut" full version (coming soon) of each video as well in case anyone wants to see the whole thing.

    There is still a short description of the loaded report below the report viewer and we've also added Related/General Resources links on the right hand side of the viewer. See the screenshot or go directly to the new demo page to get a better idea of the new layout. We would appreciate your comments - whether you like it or not and is there a place for improvements.



About the Author

Vassil Petev

is a Product Manager at Telerik. Loves gadgets, sailing, skiing and DJing.


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