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May 04, 2020 People
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We’re excited to announce the new Telerik and Kendo UI mascots! Your familiar Ninja and Kendoka have evolved but remain your faithful companions. You’ll also notice updated branding across our website and beyond, plus a refreshed UX to help you get around with ease. 

For nearly two decades, several generations of Telerik Ninjas have served faithfully as mascots for our productivity tools for .NET developers. Ten years ago, the first Kendo UI Kendoka appeared. The martial arts training was no coincidence as it promotes three of our main values as a company: doing things a little better every day, contributing to our community and adapting quickly to a dynamic environment. Indeed, Telerik and Kendo UI enable .NET and JavaScript developers to cut down development time and increase productivity while delivering engaging web, desktop and mobile experiences every day.

The Telerik Ninja and Kendo UI Kendoka

Our mission is to provide the needed components and tools for all .NET technologies and the major JavaScript frameworks and enable developers to implement the latest design and UX trends, so your apps can always be sleek and user-friendly. At the same time, we are always looking ahead to the technologies on the horizon, so we can deliver the needed innovation even before our customers need it – be it in design and UX, new technology frameworks or new application development paradigms such as AR/VR.  

We feel that our mascots should express that and speak for the same values – capable, modern, innovative, trustworthy. Meet the new generation of the Ninja and the Kendoka. The new graphic design evolves the fundamentals of our brand while remaining faithful to our true nature.  

With their newly-gained flexibility, they can now tell the Progress Telerik and Kendo UI story in fresh and colorful new ways. Our heroes come with a new, vibrant color palette that will help you easily distinguish our brands and, we hope, make it an even more pleasant experience to come back to our websites.

We also felt our website should be more welcoming while offering the same outstanding level of experience that our products do. To achieve that, we’ll be updating the website experience in the coming days and weeks, and we’re excited to offer you a quick sneak-peek into it with our new homepage:  

The new experience will get you to the right solution faster, make it easier to explore products and offer quick access to all your assets—product documentation, demos, learning experiences, support and your account. 

If you love the new visuals as much as we do, check out this wallpaper we’ve prepared for you.   Download the wallpaper

Join the Raffle

If you like the new Ninja and Kendoka, please help us spread the news by sharing on your Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profile and tagging us with @Telerik/@KendoUI. You can use the widget below to spread the news & enter our raffle for a chance to win one of the following prizes:

Time to Enter the Raffle! 🎁

Use the widget below to complete both Step 1 & Step 2 for a chance to win one of the awesome prizes! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway Good luck! 🤞🍀

About the Author

Stefan Stefanov

Stefan Stefanov (MCPD) is a Senior Manager, Product Management and Product Marketing at Progress. He has been working with Telerik products since 2010, when he joined the company. Off work he enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends and reading various technology blogs. You can find Stefan on Twitter and LinkedIn.