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March 31, 2016 People
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The Telerik team is hanging out at Microsoft Build 2016 and there is a buzz in the air after the big news announced this morning

For those of you that were not there here are a few highlights from the first couple of days at Build:

  • Bash inside Windows (Linux in Windows)
  • Anniversary update for Windows 10 coming this summer (and it’s free!)
  • 1000 new API’s and features coming for UWP
  • Xamarin is now part of Visual Studio
  • Xamarin is now open source
This is clearly a new and exciting Microsoft. Open source. Linux. iOS and Android. Who would have guessed?

Ultimately, it’s an amazing day for .NET developers - with Visual Studio now allowing you to use your C# skills to build desktop, web and cross-platform native mobile apps all in Visual Studio, and even more of the Linux development tools now coming to Windows.

Telerik has a long history as a leader in UI controls and productivity tools for .NET developers - from web with our UI for ASP.NET AJAX and Kendo UI controls to desktop with UI for WPF to Windows Universal and  UI for Xamarin.

Telerik is celebrating all of this exciting .NET news and the union of Microsoft and Xamarin by offering licenses for Telerik UI for Xamarin controls to the first 500 people who fill out a short survey - Take Survey Now.

We could not be more pleased with what this means for the .NET and open source ecosystems and look forward to continuing to provide the community with the most complete set of UI tools for all your .NET apps...including Xamarin!

Nicki, Sam, Marina, Ed, Dan, Vaskess,Kiril, Sam, Ed, Vaskess, John, and Keith




About the Author

Daniel Levy

Daniel Levy is the Director of Business Development for Developer Tooling (Telerik & Kendo UI product lines) at Progress and is based in San Francisco, CA. Daniel has a passion for technology, a vision for product, and a story to tell. When he is not at the keyboard, you’ll likely find him behind a camera at sunrise. You can follow Daniel on Twitter @dlevy.