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December 18, 2012 Release
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JustCode Code Style Settings for C# - Part 2
Description of the code style settings (how your code will be formatted) for C# in JustCode



TreeView - Binding to XML
This project demonstrates how to bind KendoUI TreeView HTML helper for ASP.NET MVC to XML document using LINQ to XML which provides an in-memory XML programming interface that leverages the .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework.
The sample demonstrates both Ajax and server binding.


Telerik OpenAccess ORM



  • How to display MVC widget in detail views of content items
    When developing sitefintiy MVC widgets for hybrid pages that will host both MVC and web forms widgets you may have stumbled upon the problem that when opening details view of news, blogs or module builder modules the MVC widget is gone, this post will provide very convenient solution to address this.
  • Update: Overriding the lifecycle decorator for content manager
    An update to the Knowledget base article originally covering the use of contentlifecycle decorator class to execute custom logic upon creating different types of content in sitefinity. The update is to give infomation how to use the decorator for modules built with the module builder.


RadControls for Silverlight


  • Customize the TimeRuler Data and Containers - describes how to customize the way items are rendered in the TimeRuler portion of the control and add additional custom elements by creating a custom TimeRulerVisualizationBehavior.

  • Layouts - in this article you will find information how to set different layouts to RadPivotGrid and how to set the position (or hide) Totals in RadPivotGrid.
  • Debugging XMLA problems - this article explains the basic steps how to debug your application if you are using XmlaDataProvider and you don't see any data in RadPivotGrid.


RadControls for WPF


  • Customize the TimeRuler Data and Containers - describes how to customize the way items are rendered in the TimeRuler portion of the control and add additional custom elements by creating a custom TimeRulerVisualizationBehavior.

  • Layouts - in this article you will find information how to set different layouts to RadPivotGrid and how to set the position (or hide) Totals in RadPivotGrid.
  • Debugging XMLA problems - this article explains the basic steps how to debug your application if you are using XmlaDataProvider and you don't see any data in RadPivotGrid.


Telerik Test Studio


RadControls for Windows 8

Windows 8: Adding An AppBar to Conference Buddy (XAML)
A new post in the series of blogs about creating a Windows Store App from the ground up.


About the Author

Georgi Tunev

 is Technical Support Director