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November 28, 2012 People
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Tomorrow I leave for a two week “jaunt” to India. I’m extraordinarily excited because I’ve wanted to travel to India since I was a young child. I’m also excited because our India team has filled up the entire two weeks with an incredible amount of speaking engagements, customer visits, and customer training. It’s going to be an exhausting but incredibly productive trip.

I’m also excited because I’ll get to spend time with Lohith and Dhanajay, two of our great evangelists in India. I’m looking forward to learning from them when we’re presenting together at a couple community events.

I’ll be in Bengaluru from 1-8 Dec, then off to Delhi from 8-11 Dec. It’s a two day trip over and 24 hour trip back, which rounds out the two weeks of travel.

Rather than repeat my entire itinerary here, I’ll just point you to my community evangelism page on where you can see everything laid out.

If you’re in Bengaluru or Delhi then I’d love to see you at one of the various events. Please stop by and say hello if you’re there!

About the Author

Jim Holmes

Jim is an Executive Consultant at Pillar Technology. He is also the owner of Guidepost Systems. He has been in various corners of the IT world since joining the US Air Force in 1982. He’s spent time in LAN/WAN and server management roles in addition to many years helping teams and customers deliver great systems. Jim has worked with organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies to improve their delivery processes and ship better value to their customers. When not at work you might find Jim in the kitchen with a glass of wine, playing Xbox, hiking with his family, or banished to the garage while trying to practice his guitar.