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December 03, 2010 Productivity, Testing
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Thanks to all those to attended Wednesday's Automated Testing in the Agile Environment webinar. If you missed the presentation you can catch it 24/7 on Telerik TV.

Since we had some great questions asked during the session, I thought I would share them with the community!

Q: Can't automated test execution take a long time as well? Is that just a time/project management issue?
A: Sure depending on the number of tests and the complexity of the tests, they can take time as well - of course tests can be run during off hours and dispersed across multiple test servers to reduce total execution time.

Q: Can we check-in from the QA Edition and check-out from the Dev Edition or do I need to first run the export to Visual Studio option?
A: You can do this directly through TFS, the export feature is not needed for this scenario. Thanks!

Q: Any plans to integrate the testing with TeamPulse?  I mean outside of "TFS integration"
A: We are indeed looking at deeper integration with TeamPulse as we move into our 2011 roadmap.

Q: Here's one for would you verify "Is Not Visible" if it's not visible
A: You can use our built-in DOM explorer, right click the line that is not visible and launch the 'Element Menu' from there to perform your verification. Check out our video on this!

Q: If we have a tester building the tests in QA...syncing the tests to TFS...will I then just be able to load and modify THEIR tests?
A: yes, once the QA checks the files into TFS, you can then pull them out of TFS from VS.

Q: what do you recommend for a small software start up with just 2 employees? do I need a test server? or can I just use the client tool?
A: You could run tests locally or even always virtualize a single test server, then use our runtime edition on that system, that keeps your test environment nice and clean.

Q: What is the typical developer to tester ratio on a team?
A: I have seen various ratio's and to be honest the project at hand will always play a factor, that said, the most common 'Boxed' ratio I hear is 3 Devs per QA

Q: What resources do you make available for a first time user of your testing tool? How do you advise a user to learn how to use the tool?
A: We have alot of resources available, we have weekly 'Getting Started' webinars - in fact there is one tomorrow at 11am EST, we also have over 70 how-to videos on, a 225 page step by step tutorial PDF available to download, an active online forum, blog articles and of course we have a technical team that is happy to fill in any gaps!