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March 27, 2012 Web
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Hello everyone and welcome back to XAMLflix with RadRichTextBox for Silverlight and WPF. What is XAMLflix you might ask? Well, it is Telerik’s way of teaching you how to use both new and existing controls from Telerik’s XAML suite. Each and every Thursday, we will provide a fresh batch of videos and sample projects highlighting a different control. Since our Silverlight and WPF share a common codebase and API, you only have to learn how to use these controls once! You can simply copy and paste the code between frameworks.

RadRichTextBox – Think of it as a TextBox on Steroids with a case of RedBull.

The RadRichTextBox control offers broad editing and formatting capabilities which comes with unmatched performance. The RadRichTextBox control provides a MS Word-like editing experience along with support for importing & exporting many different file formats including .docx, .html, .rtf, .xaml and .txt.

  • Getting Started with RadRichTextBox – In this video, we will dive into Visual Studio 2010 and begin with File -> New Project and discover what the RadRichTextBox Control has to offer. With RadRichTextBox, you are able to display and edit rich-text content including formatted text arranged in pages, paragraphs, spans (runs), tables, etc... (download project)

  • Implementing the RadRichTextBox with the Built-in WizardIn this video, we will see how easy it is to setup and start using RadRichTextBox by utilizing the built-in wizard. The brand new wizard allows you to quickly and easily setup RadRichTextBox in full word processing mode, to simply display text, or anywhere in-between, complete with configuration options to choose ribbon items, add-ons like the ruler and status bar, and features like spell-checking. (download project)

  • Exporting/Importing the contents of RadRichTextBoxThe RadRichTextBox allows you to export and import its content. This is useful in case you want to save the user's input into a data base and then load it from there, or if you want to save/load the content of RadRichTextBox to/from a file. (download project)

  • Searching and Replacing Text in RadRichTextBoxRadRichTextBox supports searching the contents of the document along with providing some methods for manipulating the selection. Used in combination, they become quite a powerful tool enabling scenarios like highlighting of specific parts of the document or replacing words and collocations. (download project)

  • Customizing the Context Menu in RadRichTextBox - The ContextMenu is showed on right click over the RadRichTextBox, and contains some context specific commands arranged in groups. We explore the Context Menu built into RadRichTextBox and add an extra command to the menu that the user can select. (download project)

  • Working with Styles in RadRichTextBox - RadRichTextBox supports Styles similar to the ones in Microsoft Office. Styles can be created and added to a document programmatically or via the ManageStylesDialog. In this video, we walk you through adding custom styles to the RadRichTextBox control. (download project)

  • Using the Mail Merge Feature of RadRichTextBox In this video, we will walk you through setting up a Mail Merge with a predefined business letter. We will setup several fields found in a typical mail merge and review the generated word document. (download project)


Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or comments then please let me know. Also, keep watching the Telerik blogs as we are planning on releasing new videos for XAMLflix each and every week. Also, feel free to download your own copy of the RadControls for Silverlight and WPF so you can explore the controls we have to offer.

About the Author

Michael Crump

is a Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight and MSDN author as well as an international speaker. He works at Telerik with a focus on everything mobile.  You can follow him on Twitter at @mbcrump or keep up with his various blogs by visiting his Telerik Blog or his Personal Blog.