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February 21, 2012 Desktop, WPF
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It's Monday and we've just finished with the Q1 2012 release - meaning it is time for Q1 2012 Webinar Week! We're excited to kick this week off with What's New in XAML 2012, but before you settle down for our metric ton of webinars, read on to see what XAMLflix has for you for our brand new RadGanttView CTP for the RadControls for Silverlight and RadControls for WPF! RadGanttView is used to display tasks and other time-based data in a readable and quickly digestable format, and even in the CPT version we've got a ton of great features to show off.

For a quick recap, XAMLflix = Videos + Projects covering all of the controls in both the RadControls for Silverlight and RadControls for WPF control suites. We are revamping the entire video library with fresh new content based on the latest and greatest versions of our controls, complete with projects so you can grab the same code you see in the video and run with it.

RadGanttView CTP - Already Awesome

Normally when dealing with CTP software you hold your breath and hope the build even runs - this isn't the case with RadGanttView. Our team has been hard at work taking in feedback for this new control and architecting a component that is not only easy to use but insane on performance. You can check this demo for an example of that performance in action. But we're not here to see just the demos, we're here to check out how to quickly and easily get started with this new CTP so you can plan on how you want to utilize it in your upcoming Silverlight and WPF projects.

  • Getting Started with RadGanttView - In this video, we'll see what it takes to get started with RadGanttView. This includes both working with tasks and creating relations between tasks, along with exploring the VisualRange and PixelLength properties and how they influence how your data will display. (Download the project!)
  • Highlighting with RadGanttView - After we've learned how to fire up RadGanttView, next up is showcasing some features! In this video we setup RadGanttView with the MVVM pattern, followed by hooking up a RadSlider for the PixelLength for a custom zoom experience, then finally hooking up a RadToggleButton and some highlighting logic to show off the Task Highlighting feature! (Download the project!)
  • Custom GanttTask - In this video, we'll start with a quick review of RadGanttView in an MVVM scenario, then we'll create a custom GanttTask and utilize one of our custom properties to implement some business logic in a new Highlighting scenario. (Download the project!)

As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities for what you can do with RadGanttView. And this is only one control from the RadControls for Silverlight and WPF, so be sure to tune in to the XAMLflix page to catch up on past and future episodes, and don't forget that you can see RadGanttView and more in action during Q1 2012 Webinar Week this week, which appropriately enough begins with XAML. :)

Stay tuned for more from the XAMLflix marathon next week!

About the Author

Evan Hutnick

works as a Developer Evangelist for Telerik specializing in Silverlight and WPF in addition to being a Microsoft MVP for Silverlight. After years as a development enthusiast in .Net technologies, he has been able to excel in XAML development helping to provide samples and expertise in these cutting edge technologies. You can find him on Twitter @EvanHutnick.