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The JavaScript Arrow Function cannot be used to create an object. In this post, we will learn the reason behind that.

An Arrow Function Cannot be Used as a Constructor

Before we move ahead, you should know that JavaScript has three types of functions. They are:

  1. Function declaration
  2. Function expression
  3. Arrow function

JavaScript allows you to create an object from a function expression or a function declaration.

function  Product(title, price){
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price;

let  p1  =  new  Product("Pen",100);


Above, the p1 object uses Product function as a constructor.

console.log(p1.constructor); // [Function: Product]

Now, let us convert the Product function statement to an arrow function, as shown in the next code block:

let  Product  = (title, price) => {
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price;

let  p1  =  new  Product("Pen",100);

JavaScript complains when you use the Product function to create an object.

To understand its reason, let us create two functions, one as a function declaration and another as an arrow function, and print the prototype property of these functions.

function  Product(title, price){
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price;

console.log(Product.prototype) // {}

let  Productf  = (title, price) => {
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price; }

console.log(Productf.prototype); // undefined

As you see, the value of the prototype property of the Product function (function declaration) is an empty object. In contrast, the value of the prototype property of the Productf function (arrow function) is undefined.

The prototype property of an arrow function is undefined.

Next, let us understand why a function’s prototype property is essential to create an object. So, whenever you create an object using a function, that object is linked to the prototype object of the function.

function  Product(title, price){
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price;

let  p1  =  new  Product("Pen",100) ;
let  p2  =  new  Product("Pencil", 300);
console.log(p1.constructor.prototype  ==  p2.constructor.prototype); // true

Here, p1 and p2 objects are created from the Product function and are linked to the Product’s prototype object.

All objects created from a function are linked to the function’s prototype object.

As you have already seen, an arrow function does not have the prototype object; hence it cannot be used to create an object or, in other words, cannot be used as a constructor.

let  Productf  = (title, price) => {
  this.title  =  title;
  this.price  =  price;

console.log(Productf.prototype); // undefined

An arrow function:

  • Does not have the prototype property
  • Also does not have the internal [[Constructor]] property

For the above two reasons, an arrow function cannot create an object in JavaScript. I hope you find this post helpful. Thanks for reading.

About the Author

Dhananjay Kumar

Dhananjay Kumar is an independent trainer and consultant from India. He is a published author, a well-known speaker, a Google Developer Expert, and a 10-time winner of the Microsoft MVP Award. He is the founder of geek97, which trains developers on various technologies so that they can be job-ready, and organizes India's largest Angular Conference, ng-India. He is the author of the best-selling book on Angular, Angular Essential. Find him on Twitter or GitHub.

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