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March 26, 2010 Release
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Greetings, RadChart fans! It is with great pleasure that I present this short highlight of our accomplishments for the Q1 release :). We’ve worked very hard to make the best silverlight and WPF charting product even better. Here is some of what we did during the past few months.


1) Zooming&Scrolling and the new sampling engine:

Without a doubt one of the most important things we did. This new feature allows you to bind your chart to a very large set of data with blazing performance. Don’t take my word for it – give it a try!


2) New Smart Label Positioning and Spider-like labels feature:

This new feature really helps with very busy graphs. You can play with the different settings we offer in this example.



3) Sorting and Filtering.

Much like our RadGridview control the chart now allows you to sort and filter your data out of the box with a single line of code!


4) Legend improvements

We’ve also been paying attention to those of you who wanted a much improved legend. It is now possible to customize the look and feel of legend items and legend position with a single click.



5) Custom palette brushes.

You have told us that you want to easily customize all palette colors using a single clean API from both XAML and code behind. The new custom palette brushes API does exactly that.


There are numerous other improvements as well, as much improved themes, performance optimizations and other features that we did. If you want to dig in further check the release notes.


Feel free to share the pains and gains of working with RadChart. Our team is always open to receiving constructive feedback and beer :-)

About the Author

Vladimir Milev

Vladimir Milev is a developer manager.