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November 03, 2014 Release
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TypeScript Definitions
New help article that explains how to obtain and use the TypeScript definitions available for the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX suite.

jQuery Troubleshooting
New help article that contains information about the most common issues related to the jQuery library that is embedded in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX suite and more specifically configuring Unobtrusive Validation.

Creating a Custom Skin
Explains the different options when creating a custom skin for the controls.

Elastic Design with RadEditor
New help article that explains the elastic design capabilities RadEditor offers.

Import and Export to Word
New help article that explains the import and export from/to Word document functionality of Telerik Editor .

Predefined Effects
Demonstrates a possible implementation for integrating custom, predefined effects in RadImageEditor, with a preview of each effect in a RadWindow, allowing the user to easily decide which effect to apply.

RadTreeMap is new control which displays a hierarchical tree-structured data as a set of rectangles.

TreeMap Online Help
Set of help articles for the new RadTreeMap control

OverviewMain online demo of the new Step-by-Step user control.RadWizard Online HelpHelp section for the RadWizard control.

UI for Silverlight

Styling custom header
Describes how you can change the Foreground color of the custom header
Filtering Buttons States
This example demonstrates how to control the enabled and disabled state of the Filter and Close buttons in the FilterngControl.
Custom Filter Control
This example demonstrates how to create and apply a custom filtering control for RadGridView.

The article demonstrates the uses of Tables when creating a fixed document.
The article introduces the RadFixedDocumentEditor helper class which allows creation of fixed documents in a flow manner.
Text and Graphic Properties
The article summarizes the available text and graphic modification options.
The article explains the ImageSource class and its uses.
The article shows how to create and use Block instances.

The article lists some of the features, which can affect the performance of RadPropertyGrid

Performance Tips and Tricks
Lists helpful tips to increase the performance of the library.

Customize Row and Column Headers
The tutorial shows how you can change the row and column headings of a worksheet.
Hide Row and Column Headers and Gridlines
The tutorial shows how to hide the column and row headers, as well as the gridlines of a worksheet.

This help article explains how to arrange tiles into separate sections.
Set Group's Display Indices
This help article explains how to set Group's Display Indices
Modifying TileList view
This help article explains how to modify TileList's view

RadToolTip Documentation
Describes the features and the functionality of the new RadToolTip.

UI for WPF

Styling custom header
Describes how you can change the Foreground color of the custom header
Merged Cells
This article explains how to configure merged cells in RadGridView.
Styling a Merged Cell
This article explains how to style merged cells.
Filtering Buttons States
This example demonstrates how to control the enabled and disabled state of the Filter and Close buttons in the FilterngControl.
Custom Filter Control
This example demonstrates how to create and apply a custom filtering control for RadGridView.

The article demonstrates the uses of Tables when creating a fixed document.
The article introduces the RadFixedDocumentEditor helper class which allows creation of fixed documents in a flow manner.
Text and Graphic Properties
The article summarizes the available text and graphic modification options.
The article explains the ImageSource class and its uses.
The article shows how to create and use Block instances.

The article lists some of the features, which can affect the performance of RadPropertyGrid

Custom Caret
This example demonstrates how to handle the input in RadRichTextBox to custom input methods like Sogou IME.

Performance Tips and Tricks
Lists helpful tips to increase the performance of the library.

Customize Row and Column Headers
The tutorial shows how you can change the row and column headings of a worksheet.
Hide Row and Column Headers and Gridlines
The tutorial shows how to hide the column and row headers, as well as the gridlines of a worksheet.

This help article explains how to arrange tiles into separate sections.
Set Group's Display Indices
This help article explains how to set Group's Display Indices
Modifying TileList view
This help article explains how to modify TileList's view

RadToolTip Documentation
Describes the features and the functionality of the new RadToolTip.

Mail Merge
The article introduces the Mail Merge functionality in the library.
Document Variables
The article explains the uses of the Document Variables feature.
Merge Field
The article explains in detail merge fields.
Html Settings
The article lists the available import and export settings from/to HTML format.

UI for WinForms

NEW help articles

All articles
RadRichTextEditor is a control that is able to display and edit rich-text content including formatted text arranged in pages, paragraphs, spans (runs), tables, etc. It aims to replace RadRichTextBox, addressing most of its disadvantages and complementing it with bunch of new features.

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RadCheckedDropDownList combines RadDropDownList and RadAutoCompleteBox in order to provide functionality to check items in the drop down area and tokenize them in the text area.

The RadRadialGauge control is designed to display a simple value within a definite range.

Keyboard Navigation - an article explaining the new keyboard search functionality in the control

Keyboard Navigation - an article explaining the new keyboard search functionality in the control

GridViewCheckBoxColumn - the column now features a header check box and the article explains how to take advantage of it 
SpreadExport - this article explains how to take advantage of the new exporting functionality of RadGridView, allowing export to xlsx, csv, txt and pdf.

All articles
With the new Zip Library you can compress data like images, docx or pdf files and send them over the wire.

ImageSource - ImageSource represents a single, constant set of pixels at a certain size. It can be used by multiple Image objects in order to be drawn in a PDF file.

Block - Block is a utility class that is intended to arrange the elements added to it in a flow-like manner. It can be used for measuring, drawing, and splitting of FixedContentElements.

Changes - This topic summarizes the new functionality introduced in the library with helpful links to places in the documentation that describe in greater detail the new functionality and how it can be used.

Backward Compatibility - This article lists the breaking changes and how they can be fixed when upgrading from a specific version of the controls to another.

Performance Tips and Tricks - RadSpreadProcessing allows you to prepare and modify tabular data. Even though the library was built with performance in mind, working with large amounts of data slows it down. This article will help you get the most from the component in terms of performance.

Backward Compatibility - This article will list the breaking changes and how they can be fixed when upgrading from a specific version of the controls to the next one.

UPDATED help articles

Keyboard Navigation - an article explaining the new keyboard search functionality in the control

Formats and conversion section - You can use RadWordsProcessing to convert among variety of formats. In the article you can see a feature / format matrix that describes supported features by file format.

CustomCodeField - Fields in RadFlowDocumet consist of code fragment and result fragment as explained in the Fields article. Some fields have direct representation in the document model – for example Hyperlinks. For all other fields you can use the CustomCodeField class – however you will need some knowledge of how to correctly form the code of the field.

Merge Field - Merge field is a Field element containing a reference to a data field by its name. When a template document is mail merged with the values from a data source, the data field information replaces the merge field. More information on the mail merge feature is available in the respective article: Mail Merge.

Mail Merge - Mail merge is functionality allowing to produce personalized documents from a template holding fixed content and variables. The variables are called Merge Fields and are replaced through the merge process with content from a specified data source.

Document Variables - Document variables provide a mechanism to store information in the document in a key-value format. The Document Variable field is a field element used to access and display the value which corresponds to the given field-argument. The argument is the name of the variable.

FixedContentEditor - FixedContentEditor is utility class that is intended to simplify the process of creating and editing the content of an IContentRootElement such as RadFixedPage.

FixedDocumentEditor - RadFixedDocumentEditor is a utility class aiming to allow the creation of RadFixedDocument in a flow-like manner. The editor provides methods that enable the generation of documents which automatically flows to pages.

Table - Table is а utility class that helps you easily create tabular data content.

TableCell - TableCell class represents a single cell in a Table. Cells are added to a TableRow instance in the rows collection of a table. The main purpose of the cell is to contain, organize and layout tabular data.

TableRow - TableRow class represents a single row in a Table. Each row contains a collection of TableCell instances.

Shapes and Images - This article briefly describes what are shapes and images, and how to create and work with them. It contains the following sections:

History - The document model maintains a history stack that tracks all changes to the content of the workbook.

Colors and Color Spaces - The ColorBase abstract class is used to encapsulate colors in different color spaces. The article will show you the classes which derive from ColorBase

FixedContentEditor - FixedContentEditor is utility class that is intended to simplify the process of creating and editing the content of an IContentRootElement such as RadFixedPage.


New blog posts:

Custom Subscribe Widget

This blog post will show how to customize the default subscribe widget such that front end users have the ability to select the mailing list they wish to subscribe to.

Progress Software Announces Agreement of Intent to Acquire Telerik

You may have seen some exciting news in the media recently – Telerik has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Progress Software.

New KB articles:

This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms exception

This KB addresses cases which have experienced an issue, when your Windows environment may be configured to use FIPS encryption that is conflicting with some part of the code in Sitefinity.

New documentation articles:

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