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April 14, 2009 People
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For all you tweeps out there, this is a quick plug for the newest Twitter client on the block, digiTweet. I was first alerted to this new client on Channel 10, and just started using it with my account. I must say I am very pleased. For a beta product, this one gets two thumbs up! It’s built with WPF and is open source (you can find it on CodePlex). I also happen to like the sleek interface. Being a .NET guy, I’m partial to apps that are build with .NET (the Twitter client I’ve been using, TweetDeck, was built with Adobe Air). And the good news? It’s got a ton of cool new features coming soon. But don’t take my word for it, go check it out for yourself!

And just as a remind, you can follow all your favorite Telerikies (yes, I made that term up) on Twitter: Todd Anglin, Gabe Sumner, John Kellar, TelerikBuzz (that's me!), SitefinityBuzz.