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April 29, 2014 Release
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Working on a new mobile app is a time consuming and challenging operation. If the wrong thing is built, it can be extremely difficult to recreate or modify. Prototypes (wireframes & mockups) enable teams and stakeholders to experiment, iterate and gather feedback without investing the full resources needed to create the real app. Prototypes also provide the development teams with a “blueprint” when it comes time to turn the prototype into a real app. The development team can refer to the prototype to see how the app should look and behave. Telerik’s AppPrototyper helps teams discover what they should build and facilitates the collaboration between designers, developers and users.

What is a high-fidelity prototype?

  • Wireframe - low fidelity representation of a design, non-interactive most of the time
  • Mockup - middle to high fidelity, static, design representation. Very often a mockup is a visual design draft, or even the actual visual design 
  • Prototype - middle to high fidelity representation of the final product, which simulates user interface interaction.

What problems do Telerik AppPrototyper solve for me?

AppPrototyper will enable you to experiment, iterate and get feedback without investing full development resources in the design & development phase.

AppPrototyper will allow you to provide the development team with a visual and interactive specification instead of long and unreadable docs.

AppPrototyper helps teams discover what they should build and facilitates the collaboration between designers, developers, business owners and end-users.

How does AppPrototyper work and how I can access it?

AppPrototyper is a cloud-based prototyping solution, part of Telerik Platform, that enables designers and teams to create interactive and visually representative (high-fidelity) prototypes of their apps (mobile and desktop). These prototypes are created via a drag & drop web-based interface and no coding is required. Project stakeholders (and users) can then interact with these prototypes to experience the app and provide feedback by submitting comments contextual to any UI element. All prototypes can be previewed in an interactive mode so that the users can see how the final app would behave. You can also share your prototypes with any other team members, customers and stakeholders.
To access AppPrototyper you need to have a Telerik Platform account. If this is your first experience with Telerik Platform you can go over the release blog post that will guide you through understanding the benefits of the platform as well as how you can create your account.

How to create my first prototype?

You can go over the short tutorial that will show you how to create your prototype in 3 simple steps.

Choose your target device

Create or upload screens

Drag and Drop shapes from the toolbox

Create links between the screens

Preview and interact


What are the next big things that are coming?

Telerik AppPrototyper is in a Public Beta at the moment. We are targeting the end of May to release the first official version. We are working hard on extending the capabilities of AppPrototyper. Some of the major initiatives that we already started, and the results of which will start appearing really soon, are:

  • Export your prototypes to AppBuilder app-templates - once everyone on the team is comfortable with the prototype it can be exported into an HTML app-template for AppBuilder, where developers can turn the prototype into a real app.
  • Preview your prototypes on mobile devices to experience the look and feel of the real app
  • More shapes are coming to extend the currently available galleries as well as enable you build prototypes for other mobile OSes
  • And many more...


We want your Feedback!

As we take your feedback very seriously and we strongly believe that it will help us make sure we are taking this product into the right direction, you can get back to us at:

About the Author

Nikolay Atanasov

 was Product Manager in Telerik AppPrototyper Team.