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August 21, 2013 Productivity, Testing
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On August 15th, Steven Vore and myself presented the goals and new features of the latest release of Test Studio 2013 R1 in a comprehensive webinar.  We discussed why you should consider Test Studio, and called out the new features that will help you improve your testing practices.

In particular, we gave demonstrations illustrating the following new or changed features:

- New learning tools that will make you productive as quickly as possible, including an integrating getting started video and demo application.

- Cross-browser record and playback.  In addition to being able to emulate traffic from different browsers and browser versions during playback, you can also use IE, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to record your tests.

- Remote test execution and scheduling.  You can schedule tests and enable them to execute from any system.

- Enhanced performance testing, better performance statistics and more insight into response times for a single user.

- Enhanced load testing, with the ability to spread virtual users out across multiple systems, and schedule those users.

- Easy test reuse, including the ability to embed tests within tests so that you don’t have to repeat steps.

We had a number of questions that came in during the webinar.  Some of them we answered live on the webinar, but for others we’ll be publishing answers in upcoming blog posts.  If you had a question that wasn’t answered live, keep an eye on this space in the coming days.

Peter Varhol

About the author

Peter Varhol

is an Evangelist for Telerik’s TestStudio. He’s been a software developer and software product manager, technology journalist, and university professor among the many roles in his past, and believes that his best talent is explaining concepts and practices to others. He’s on Twitter at @pvarhol.