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February 23, 2011 People
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I just wrapped up a Telerik / NCover joint webinar with Daniel Waldschmidt, NCover's Technology Evangelist.

What a fantastic session! We provided great demonstrations of Telerik's Automated Testing Tools including tests with 'If..Else Statements', 'Do...While Loops', 'Coded Steps' and the handy 'Test As Step' feature. We then packed these tests into two test lists - first running a baseline test list in WebUI Test Studio with NCover monitoring IIS, then followed it up with a more complete test list to see the spike in coverage.

Dan W. then took us on a tour of NCover which showed us how much of the application's code had been covered by WebUI Test Studio's automation - beyond that, NCover showed us which pages of the application lacked testing, having such information is incredibly powerful!


You do not want to miss this webinar - and I will ensure you don't as it has been added to Telerik TV and can now be viewed 24/7 at your leisure.

Watch Code Coverage with Telerik WebUITest Studio & NCover

Lastly - a big thanks to Stoich & Cody from Telerik for getting me in touch with the kind folks at NCover and providing the POC and KB Article - you guys rock!



-Daniel Levy