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February 18, 2011 Productivity, Testing
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It is hard to believe that January is already behind us as we dive deeper into 2011. For the testing tools we saw an amazing year of product growth and innovation and I would like to share with you some big announcements from the testing tools division for the upcoming year.

The first big announcement is that we are going to have two major releases a year for Telerik automated testing tools in order to focus more on new product development and new feature development. The R1 release will be around the end of April and the R2 release will be around the end of September. We are very excited about this change because it will allow us to be more aggressive in features we tackle while maintaining a high level of quality and support.

Another exciting announcement is the addition of WPF test automation support in the coming R1 release. All of the great recording and maintenance features that are currently offered in Test Studio for web will be available for WPF automation. The WPF version will also include full support for the Telerik WPF control suite so that if your WPF application uses the Telerik controls testing will be even more productive.

As with all Telerik products we are always working on new ways to increase agility and productivity within your development environment. And as part of the R1 release we will offer this collaboration between Test Studio and TeamPulse. With a click of a button in Test Studio you will be able to automatically generate tests from your user stories or user acceptance tests that were created in your TeamPulse project.

Along with these exciting products and features be on the lookout for feature enhancements throughout Test Studio including test scheduling, test explorer, the results viewer and enhanced Silverlight automation.

Be sure to follow the testing tools blog or us on Twitter to stay up to date on all the exciting new features and announcements for the R1 release.

See full list of R1 features here

Lastly, check out Telerik CEO’s reflections on .NET world in his most recent blog on a very exciting new feature in JustCode, and an opportunity to score one of 500 free licenses of JustCode.

Best Regards,