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June 30, 2011 Mobile
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Q2 2011 is approaching and we are doing our best to deliver an outstanding release with plenty of new features and improvements over the existing controls. We are most excited to announce that the BETA2 Q2 2011 release of our RadControls for Windows Phone 7 tools is publicly available. Knowing how important interactivity is for a mobile component, we put decent effort into adding rich user interaction responsiveness to our charting component. We implemented an extended “Behavior” semantic, which allows an arbitrary number of behaviors to be added to the chart and to provide specific functionality upon user input. Following are the predefined behaviors that come out of the box with our charting component:

  • PanAndZoomBehavior
    As described in my previous blog post, our charting component can be enriched with pan and zoom functionality by simply adding this behavior to its Behaviors collection. The behavior recognizes the Pinch and Drag gestures and manipulates the Zoom and PanOffset properties of the associated RadChart. Supported are Horizontal, Vertical or Both Pan and Zoom modes.
  • TrackBallBehavior

    A special behavior that displays context-sensitive information upon a Hold gesture about the adjacent to the touch location data points. There are several aspects of the visual information provided by the behavior:
    - The polyline shape that connects all the close to the touch location data points.
    - Intersection points – these are the visual representations of each physical point, defined by the center of associated data point and the trackball line.
    - Trackball info – the tooltip-like adorner that is displayed at the top of the plot area and contains information about the intersection points with each series
  • TooltipBehavior

    A special behavior that displays context-sensitive information about the closest to the touch location data point upon a Hold or a Tap gesture. The major difference between the trackball’s TrackInfo and the tooltip is that the tooltip may be displayed outside the chart area and may be triggered upon a Tap or a Hold gesture.

Each behavior may be instantiated and registered with a valid RadChart instance either through code or through XAML:

    <telerikChart:ChartPanAndZoomBehavior ZoomMode="Horizontal" PanMode="Horizontal"/>

this.radChart1.Behaviors.Add(new ChartTrackBallBehavior() { ShowIntersectionPoints = true, ShowTrackInfo = true });

Or you may combine two or more behaviors to provide the desired interactivity:

    <telerikChart:ChartPanAndZoomBehavior ZoomMode="Horizontal" PanMode="Horizontal"/>
    <telerikChart:ChartTrackBallBehavior ShowTrackInfo="True" ShowIntersectionPoints="True" TrackInfoUpdated="ChartTrackBallBehavior_TrackInfoUpdated"/>

You can also provide totally custom gesture behavior by either handling the PreviewGesture event of RadChart or by adding your custom ChartBehavior implementation to a RadChart instance.

But all that interactivity richness is not the only goodie that comes with the BETA2 release of RadChart for WP7. We also added the so called Scatter (or XY) series that accept ScatterDataPoint instances and may be plotted by two Numerical axes. I will explain more about these series and how they might be used to visualize particular data in my next post. 

Do not hesitate to grab a copy of BETA2 and to give us your feedback on what may be further improved and/or polished in our WP7 tools. And do not forget: Everyone who submits feedback on the Beta release until the Q2 release, mid-July, will enter in a drawing for 20 free licenses. The lucky winners will be contacted via e-mail.

About the Author

Georgi Atanasov

Georgi worked at Progress Telerik to build a product that added the Progress value into the augmented and virtual reality development workflow.