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March 26, 2013 Productivity, Testing
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JustCode Q1 2013 came with so many new web features I couldn’t help but proclaim JustCode Loves the Web! However, we made other improvements as well. The quality is in the details, and here are a few you should know about.

Code Problems

Warnings and errors that you can configure to be either warnings, errors, or none is confusing. We now call them code problems, and you get to decide if it’s an error, warning, or neither. Do you name types and files differently and you want to keep this convention? Open Options from the JustCode menu and expand the tree as follows: Code Analysis, Problems, C#. Click the green check next to “Types not matching file names” and you’re good to go.

Code Style Option Preview

JustCode has had preview panels for some Code Style options, but finding them requires clicking the label for the option. It wasn’t obvious that you could do this, so we now notify you when previews are available.

Customer Experience Improvement Program

Do you want to help us improve JustCode? Of course you do! To do so, simply agree to participate in our new program that provides details on how you use the product. We do not collect information that can identify you, and we do not collect source code or compiled programs. Don’t worry; participating does not affect the performance of JustCode or Visual Studio.

You can join this program or change its related options using the JustCode menu to select Help and then clicking on Customer Experience Program.

If you experience a problem with JustCode, we notify you with a red error icon in the Visual Studio status bar. However, letting us know about it requires clicking the error, and clicking the send button. When this occurs, it’s typically a conflict with another plugin, but these exception reports help us improve JustCode so it continues to run smoothly.

By participating in the Customer Experience Improvement program, you can automatically report exceptions.

You can also choose to associate exception reports with your account. We care about your privacy, so you must opt into this. Associating the report with your account enables us to contact you if we have questions.

Constant Preview

Navigating to constants to view the value requires a lot of clicking or typing for no good reason. Now, you can simply hover over the constant and JustCode displays the value.

This detail improves your life so unobtrusively, you won’t realize it’s not part of Visual Studio until you’re using a system without JustCode!


It’s great to have a big, splashy release three times a year, but the ultimate goal is to improve your productivity. We’re paying attention to the details to do, and you can help us out more. Give us your suggestions and feedback at our Feedback Portal.

Happy Coding!

About the Author

Chris Eargle

is a Microsoft C# MVP with over a decade of experience designing and developing enterprise applications, and he runs the local .NET User Group: the Columbia Enterprise Developers Guild. He is a frequent guest of conferences and community events promoting best practices and new technologies. Chris is a native Carolinian; his family settled the Dutch Form region of South Carolina in 1752. He currently resides in Columbia with his wife, Binyue, his dog, Laika, and his three cats: Meeko, Tigger, and Sookie. Amazingly, they all get along... except for Meeko, who is by no means meek.