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September 21, 2008 Release
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To demonstrate a real life business application that uses Telerik RadControls for Silverlight, we prepared another sample application showing a web portal about job offerings. We called it the JobBoard application. We managed to include there most of the currently available RadControls for Silverlight. These are:


The Home page features a "quick find" section at the top most part of the screen, a tree-view navigation on the left and a grid showing the results.

The RadTreeView on the left loads its child nodes on demand for a better performance and faster initial loading.

Clicking upon a grid-row pops a RadWindow containing a form that allows the user to apply for a job-position.

By clicking the Apply button another form appears allowing the user to fill-in some personal details and attach a resume. The form uses several standard text boxes, buttons, RadComboBox, RadUpload and RadDatePicker controls.



The main sections of the application are divided into several tabs - "Find Jobs", "Post Job", "Companies" and "Help". Clicking on the different tabs the user will be navigated to another page.

Post Job page - Several RadComboBoxes, RadNumericUpDown and RadDatePicker are used within this page. They allow the user to add different details about the job-post.

Companies page - This page contains a grid containing a list of all companies. Clicking on a grid row will filter the grid, thus showing all the job-offerings of the selected company.

Help page - RadMediaPlayer shows a short movie demonstrating the logic of the application.

About the Author

Nikolay Atanasov

 was Product Manager in Telerik AppPrototyper Team.