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August 05, 2009 Desktop, WinForms
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One of the most wanted features related to hierarchy in RadGridView is the support for hierarchy containing one-to-many relations. Now, this is possible by using tabbed child views. We added the feature in our latest release – Q2 2009.



However, RadGridView is not restricted to show only tables. Child views can be used to display any relevant information (e.g. rich text, picture or even a chart). If fact you can use any RadElement or host a control by using the RadHostItem. In the example below I will demonstrate how to do it.


You should follow a few simple steps:


1. First bind the grid to the desired data source.


this.radGridView1.DataSource = table;


2. Add at least two child templates and bind them.


GridViewTemplate template1 = new GridViewTemplate(this.radGridView1);
Template1.Caption = "Details";
Template1.DataSource = detailsTable;

GridViewTemplate template2 = new GridViewTemplate(this.radGridView1);
template2.Caption = "Performance";
template2.DataSource = chartTable;


3. Add relations to connect the child templates with the master template.


GridViewRelation relation = new GridViewRelation(this.radGridView1.MasterGridViewTemplate);
relation.ChildTemplate = template1;

GridViewRelation relation = new GridViewRelation(this.radGridView1.MasterGridViewTemplate);
relation.ChildTemplate = template2;


This is enough to show a hierarchy with multiple child views. However, we want to show a chart image. So we will customize the second template a little. In the code below I hide the column headers and row header column. Then I increase the width of the first column (it will hold the chart) and hide all other columns:


template2.AllowRowResize = false;
template2.ShowColumnHeaders = false;
template2.ShowRowHeaderColumn = false;
template2.Columns[0].Width = 600;
for (int i = 1; i < template2.Columns.Count; i++)
    template2.Columns[i].IsVisible = false;


Finally, CellFormatting event is processed where we embed the chart image:


void radGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e)
   if (e.CellElement.RowInfo.Tag == null)
      e.CellElement.RowInfo.Tag = chart.GetBitmap();
   e.CellElement.Image = e.CellElement.RowInfo.Tag as Image;
   e.CellElement.DrawBorder = false;
   e.CellElement.Text = "";
   e.CellElement.Padding = new Padding(10, 0, 0, 0);


The full sample can be found in our demo application (RadGridView->Hierarchy->Tabbed child views).

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