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June 28, 2011 Desktop, WPF
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We hope you will share our excitement of announcing the brand new member of Telerik’s XAML suite – the RadPropertyGrid. This control will be officially available with the Q2 2011 release that is coming in the midst of July, but now it is included in our recently released Beta for early preview and to satisfy your curiosity.

RadPropertyGrid introduces an intuitive and versatile approach to data processing and visualization. Unlike the widely beloved RadDataForm, RadPropertyGrid sets the focus on a single item rather than on a collection of items, exposing many useful features as grouping and search as you type. The main purpose that stands behind RadPropertyGrid’s creation is to provide you highly customizable editing and presentation capabilities that are achieved with a minimal effort of your side. Everyone can assign a custom editor, just by setting a property, in order to implement the look and feel that fits his/her needs best. Please, let me demonstrate:

<telerik:RadPropertyGrid x:Name="radPropertyGrid" 
<telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="Age">
<telerik:RadNumericUpDown Value="{Binding Age}" />

<telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="First Name" Binding="{Binding FirstName}"/>
telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="Last Name" Binding="{Binding LastName}"/>
telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="Occupation" Binding="{Binding Occupation}"/>

It is easy, am I right?

Dealing with a complex business object? Utilizing RadPropertyGrid’s grouping, sorting and searching features will help you enable you navigate rapidly through the numerous properties. You can easily define custom groups that describe the property organization in the most appropriate way for your case:

<telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="Birth Date" GroupName="Personal Info">
<telerik:RadMaskedDateTimeInput Mask="D" Value="{Binding BirthDate}" IsReadOnly="True" />
<telerik:PropertyDefinition DisplayName="Hire Date" GroupName="Job Info">
<telerik:RadDatePicker SelectedValue="{Binding HireDate, Mode=TwoWay}" />

RadPropertyGrid work can be perfectly synchronized with RadGridView. In this way users would be able to enhance their data processing experience.

We believe that involving you in the production process as early as possible, will help us design a variety of new exciting features and pinpoint the hot topics around. So please share your impressions upon RadPropertyGrid’s debut.