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December 17, 2009 Web, ASP.NET AJAX
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One very common issue that we’ve addressed in the Q3 release is the lack of a description field for the appointments. Until now you had to customize the advanced template in order to get one, but not any more.

How to enable the integrated description field:

  • Data Source - set DataDescriptionField to the corresponding column in your database:
<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" DataSourceID="AppointmentsDataSource" DataKeyField="ID" DataSubjectField="Subject" DataDescriptionField="Description" DataStartField="Start" DataEndField="End" DataRecurrenceField="RecurrenceRule" DataRecurrenceParentKeyField="RecurrenceParentID">
  • Provider – set EnableDescriptionField to “true” and persist the Appointment.Description value in your provider.
<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" ProviderName="XmlSchedulerProvider" EnableDescriptionField="true" >

This is all you need for editing and storing the description, but what about showing it? A simple appointment template will do:

<AppointmentTemplate> <div> <%# Eval("Subject") %> </div> <%# Eval("Description") %> </AppointmentTemplate>

Hope this helps.

About the Author

Iana Tsolova

is Product Manager at Telerik’s DevTools division. She joined the company back in the beginning of 2008 as a Support Officer and has since occupied various positions at Telerik, including Senior Support Officer, Team Lead at one of the ASP.NET AJAX teams and Technical Support Director. Iana’s main interests are web development, reading articles related to geography, wild nature and latest renewable energy technologies.