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April 16, 2010 Web
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RadMaskedTextBox is one of the major controls in the Telerik Silverlight suite. It enables you to filter the user input and makes the work with data much more easier for the end-user. That is why in the past quarter (Q1) we put a great effort and get all the scenarios and users reports that we had so far and made this control as stable as possible. Now post Q1 we added some small, but important new features to the control. Here they are:

  1. Option to get the changed value when the focus of the control is lost.
    Before this change each user stroke causes the ValueChanged and ValueChanging events to be raised. Now you have to option to get these events on lost focus. This also gives you the option to enable the Regular expression validation of the new value on ValueChanging event. So if you want a complex validation support - like phone, email, IP, etc. you can do it very easy on the client
  2. MaskedText property is now with public setter.
    So far there was only one way to change the value of the masked textbox - to use the Value property. Every change on the Value property changes the MaskedText property. But now you can also set the masked textbox value by setting the MaskedText property. Why is this important? This enables you to directly store the masked text into the database. Now you don't need to convert the database value in order to display it into the maskedtextbox (it was required for some scenarios).
  3. Configure the selection when the control is focused 
    One of the most requested features on the controls to select all the text when the control is focused, or to automatically set the insertion point (caret) to the start or to the end of the textbox. Well this feature is now implemented and you have all these options available. You should use the SelectionOnFocus property to control this!
  4. Watermark support
    Now you can easily enable a simple watermark textbox by setting the EmptyContent property or/and EmptyContent template to get this commonly used ui pattern.

These are the changes that we were working on lately. If you have any other suggestions or any feedback on the control - please let us know!

About the Author

Valio Stoychev

Valentin Stoychev (@ValioStoychev) for long has been part of Telerik and worked on almost every UI suite that came out of Telerik. Valio now works as a Product Manager and strives to make every customer a successful customer.