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December 16, 2005 People
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It's official now: I am a co-author of a real paper book.  The book is titled ???????????? ?? .NET Framework (.NET Framework programming) and it is written in Bulgarian. I am holding it right now -- it is a bit heavy (800+ pages for the first part), but holding it feels good. The first part has been published and we are expecting the second part really soon. The cool thing is that the book is distributed under a free license and you can download the text in DOC or PDF format from the site.

The book is an introductory-level text, aimed for the beginner programmers. Most of the content is about the framework and its class library. It covers a wide range of topics: WinForms, XML, ASP.NET, Mono, and much more. My contribution is a bit "meta" -- it does not cover programming technologies at all. I did a part about tools that can help you stay on top of your project. I wrote a section on how to automate the mundane tasks in your project and create a fully automated build process with NAnt.  I also did a piece on NUnit and its extensions that will help anybody bring some predictability in his or her development process. All this is in the second part, so you should definitely wait for it to come out.

The whole project is led and coordinated by Svetlin Nakov. I was brought into it by my friend, Ivan Mitev. I enjoyed participating very much. I think I learned a lot: I was a Microsoft Word newbie, and I now know at least how to write a thing or two in that program. I significantly improved my writing: I had not previously realized how bad my Bulgarian was (mind you, it is my native language). I don't think I could have done anything if it was not for  Ivan: his editing was just the thing I needed.