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May 12, 2009 Desktop, WPF
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Recently John showed how to create half-circle gauges and now I am glad to announce that RadGauge, both WPF and Silverlight, supports half-circle and quarter-circle styles out of the box. All you need to do is provide the correct resource through a ResourceDictionary and then use the corresponding style. The styles are named after the major geographical directions -- North, East, South and West, well we only use the first letters here - N, E, S and W. So the styles you need are <Theme>RadialGaugeHalfCircle<Direction>Style and <Theme>RadialScaleHalfCircle<Direction>Style. Check the following example - semi-circular, south-directed vista-styled gauge:

And this is the XAML used:

<ResourceDictionary Source="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.Gauge;component/Themes/generic.xaml" />

<telerik:RadGauge Name="radGauge" Width="340" Height="200">
<telerik:RadialGauge Name="radialGauge" Style="{StaticResource VistaRadialGaugeHalfCircleSStyle}">
<telerik:RadialScale Style="{StaticResource VistaRadialScaleHalfCircleSStyle}">

The "telerik" prefix maps to "".

You can use the same approach for quarter-style gauges. The styles you need are <Theme>RadialGaugeQuarterCircle<Direction>Style and <Theme>RadialScaleQuarterCircle<Direction>Style. The directions here are North-West, North-East, South-East and South-West, so you can use NW, NE, SE and SW. North-west vista radial gauge looks like this:


<telerik:RadGauge Name="radGauge" Width="300" Height="300">
<telerik:RadialGauge Name="radialGauge" Style="{StaticResource VistaRadialGaugeQuarterCircleNWStyle}">
<telerik:RadialScale Style="{StaticResource VistaRadialScaleQuarterCircleNWStyle}">
The usage in Silverlight is similar:
<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.Page"
="300" Height="300">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<control:RadGauge x:Name="RadGauge1" Width="300" Height="300">
<gauge:RadialGauge x:Name="RadialGauge1" Style="{StaticResource RadialGaugeQuarterCircleNWStyle}" >
<gauge:RadialScale x:Name="RadialScale1" Style="{StaticResource RadialScaleQuarterCircleNWStyle}">

For more details you can check our online examples, which you can also download from your accounts:

Have fun with RadGauge.