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April 21, 2006 Release
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I should have posted this a few days ago, but I have been so busy that this Easter (Orthodox Easter, is THE Easter in Bulgaria) Saturday morning is my first blogging opportunity for the whole week.

I was writing an article on Drip and contacted Matthias Miller, the tool's developer, about some of the limitation of the tool that I've described here . He confirmed my findings, and while I wasn't watching he pulled some ninja coding skills and sent me a new build that detected more leaks and had none of the original limitations. It worked like a charm, and Drip 0.4 was born. It detects elements created with cloneNode, innerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML that Drip 0.3 could not. Go get it now!

Now, I use Drip quite often at work and I wanted to help with its development. Matthias has already set up a project page on SourceForge, and here I am, registered as a developer on that project. We will see what comes out of that :). First of all I will have to brush up on my C++ and find a decent small(!!) unit-testing library for the language. I have used the full-blown cppunit library about 2.5 years ago, but it was too much of a hassle -- all I need is a simple way to specify a test fixture: the test, SetUp and TearDown methods.  Anyone know a good small C++ unit testing framework?