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August 08, 2013 Productivity
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Last month at the //build conference Microsoft released Visual Studio 2013 Preview. Along with a new IDE which includes some great improvements including some new project types, Visual Studio 2013 Preview ships with .NET framework version 4.5.1. This new version of the .NET framework includes some highly anticipated and sought for features including async-aware debugging, managed return value inspection and improvements to multi-core JIT. Yes, Visual Studio 2013 Preview and .NET 4.5.1 offer a lot for developers, but what about your favorite productivity tools? How will they fare with these new products?

Good News

You’ll be happy to know that your favorite .NET decompiler, JustDecompile works just fine with Visual Studio 2013 Preview product types and can decompile .NET 4.5.1 assemblies without a hitch. With JustDecompile you can decompile Visual Studio 2013 Preview class libraries, ASP.NET applications, WPF applications or any project type. When you open a .NET 4.5.1 assembly in JustDecompile it will show you what’s happening under the covers as it always has.

So feel free to dive into these new tools and know that JustDecompile will be there ready for you. And this isn’t a new version of JustDecompile; it’s the 2013 Q2 release of JustDecompile. That’s right; the version of JustDecompile that you can download right now already handles Visual Studio 2013 and .NET 4.5.1. JustDecompile is fast, free and will remain free forever. So download JustDecompile today and take a peek under the hood of your assemblies.

About the Author

James Bender

is a Developer and has been involved in software development and architecture for almost 20 years. He has built everything from small, single-user applications to Enterprise-scale, multi-user systems. His specialties are .NET development and architecture, TDD, Web Development, cloud computing, and agile development methodologies. James is a Microsoft MVP and the author of two books; "Professional Test Driven Development with C#" which was released in May of 2011 and "Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript" which will be available soon. James has a blog at and his Twitter ID is @JamesBender. Google Profile