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March 03, 2017 Web, Angular
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This guide was written for Angular 2 version: 2.0.0-rc.4

With component architecture in Angular 2, it's an important to design components to contain what we call inputs and outputs. The data enters a component via an input, and leaves the component through an output. This is a small but powerful conceptual change to Angular 1.x's two-way data-binding in which changes automatically propagate to all listeners for that particular binding.

Angular 1.x introduced one-way data-flow in the Angular 1.5.x branch, to which mirrors the Angular 2 way of building components. For this guide, we'll be using Angular 1.x's .component() method to compare to Angular 2.

Table of contents

Angular 1.x

In Angular 1.x, we have multiple ways to pass information into a "component". Before Angular 1.5.x, this was done always through the .directive() API, which contains scope and bindToController properties for bindings.

In Angular 1.5.x the .component() API was introduced and we use a single bindings property. To pass information to a component, we need to use attribute binding.

// "Component Property Binding with @Input() in Angular" is one of our top 5 JavaScript articles of 2017. See the full list here.

Attribute binding

To use the component, we declare it inside a template and use a custom attribute on the element itself. In this case ,count inside the bindings object maps directly across to the custom attribute declared when using the element:

const app = {
  template: `
      My Counter:
      <counter count="$ctrl.count"></counter>
  controller() {
    this.count = 2;

  .component('app', app);

We call this "attribute binding" because Angular 1.x grabs existing HTML and extends it, therefore we use a custom attribute.

Directive attribute bindings

With directives we have two ways to pass in data, scope or bindToController. Let's take a simple counter Directive and demonstrate input bindings through accessing the count attribute via bindToController:

const counter = () => ({
  scope: {},
  bindToController: {
    count: '<'
  controllerAs: '$ctrl',
  controller() {
    this.increment = () => this.count++;
    this.decrement = () => this.count--;
  template: `
      <button ng-click="$ctrl.decrement()">-</button>
      <input ng-model="$ctrl.count">
      <button ng-click="$ctrl.increment()">+</button>

  .directive('counter', counter);

In directives, we can either use the bindToController property and specify an object of bindings, or use the scope property to declare the bindings and alternative bindToController syntax:

const counter = () => ({
  scope: {
    count: '<'
  bindToController: true

Both of these make the count property specified as an input binding to be available in the template and controller for manipulation.

Component attribute bindings

With the .component() API, things are similar to the directive but are much simpler:

const counter = {
  bindings: {
    count: '<'
  controller() {
    this.increment = () => this.count++;
    this.decrement = () => this.count--;
  template: `
      <button ng-click="$ctrl.decrement()">-</button>
      <input ng-model="$ctrl.count">
      <button ng-click="$ctrl.increment()">+</button>

  .component('counter', counter);

Note the changes from scope and bindToController to the new bindings property. Also note that we dropped the controllerAs property, as $ctrl is the new default for .component(). Component definitions are also objects, not functions like directives are.

Custom attribute binding names

Let's assume we want to create an internal component property called count, yet want the attribute we bind to be called something different. If we declare an attribute of init instead so that we end up with <counter init="2">, things would look like this:

const counter = {
  bindings: {
    count: '<init'

  .component('counter', counter);

We use count as the internal component reference, but explicitly tell Angular 1.x that the property is coming from init and we want one-way data-flow with the < syntax prefix.

Let's move on to the Angular 2 implementation.

Angular 2

In Angular 2, this concept still applies and we use property binding instead over attributes. There is little difference in the physical appearance of the two, however Angular 2 pre-compiles the templates and accesses JavaScript properties, rather than fetching data from existing HTML attributes - it's a different compile phase.

Angular 1 uses attribute binding, Angular 2 uses property binding

Property binding

In Angular 2, we need a base my-app component definition to render the component into:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
export default class App {
  public counterValue: number;
  constructor() {
    this.counterValue = 2;

We can then import the CounterComponent and use it inside the template:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import CounterComponent from './counter';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      <counter [count]="counterValue"></counter>
  directives: [CounterComponent]
export default class App {

Notice here how we are using <counter [count]="counterValue">, where counterValue is driven from the ES2015 Class - however, this could also be hardcoded as a String too! The square brackets are part of Angular 2's template syntax that means we are providing input binding.

Another change from Angular 1.x is the fact that before using our components we need to register them inside a directives property on the @Component() decorator.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import CounterComponent from './counter';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      <counter [count]="counterValue"></counter>
  directives: [CounterComponent]
export default class App {
  public counterValue: number;
  constructor() {
    this.counterValue = 2;

Component property bindings

In Angular 2, we have a more explicit API for defining inputs and outputs for components. For inputs, we have a TypeScript decorator named @Input(), which is extremely readable and easy to use. Before we can begin using the decorator, let's define the CounterComponent and import the Input function from @angular:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'counter',
  template: `
      <button (click)="decrement()">-</button>
      <input [ngModel]="count">
      <button (click)="increment()">+</button>
export default class CounterComponent {
  constructor() {}
  increment() {
  decrement() {

The next stage of this is defining the component input via the @Input() decorator. We need to declare this inside the ES2015 Class:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';

export default class CounterComponent {
  @Input() count: number = 0;
  constructor() {}

Now, if you think back to the Angular 1.x example where we used bindings: { count: '<' }, this is actually doing the exact same thing and telling Angular 2 where the data is coming from, just with some TypeScript sprinkled on top to denote we're expecting it to be of type number. The data passed into the component will be readily available as this.count, so we can reference it inside our templates!

Alternative @Input() syntax

There is also an alternative syntax to using @Input() as a decorator, and that's using it as an inputs property inside the @Component() decorator:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'counter',
  inputs: ['count']
export default class CounterComponent {
  constructor() {}
  increment() {
  decrement() {

This is however the least favored approach, I'd stick with using TypeScript decorators to make use of types and readability.

Custom property binding names

In Angular 1.x we can use bindings: { foo: '<bar' } syntax to change the binding name to a different internal mapping. In this case bar becomes foo. We can also do the same with Angular 2's @Input() by passing in a String into the decorator defining the name:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';

export default class CounterComponent {
  @Input('init') count: number = 0;
  constructor() {}

Also the inputs: [] array is set by using : to separate the mapped name and the property binding:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'counter',
  inputs: ['count:init']
export default class CounterComponent {

These aren't typically advised either. You're best sticking with TypeScript decorators in this case also to keep things string-less and dynamic.

Final code

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About the Author

Todd Motto

Todd Motto (@toddmotto) is a Google Developer Expert from England, UK. He's taught millions of developers world-wide through his blogs, videos, conferences and workshops. He focuses on teaching Angular and JavaScript courses over on Ultimate Courses.