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June 03, 2013 Release
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Excitement is brewing here at Telerik in anticipation of the Q2 2013 June releases. We just couldn’t wait to get some of the latest and greatest out to our customers. So here it is – the Q2 2013 Beta of RadControls for WinForms! You can download it now by logging in to your Telerik account and viewing your downloads for RadControls for WinForms, if you scroll to the bottom you will find the Beta section with the download.

I will cover a couple highlights of this release, namely the new demo application as well as the new multi-range capabilities of the RadTrackBar control.


The Telerik WinForms demo application has been completely revamped. It is built with a UI that follows the latest usability trends and boasts a cleaner and more flowing interface.

Figure 1- the new WinForms demo application

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a convenient search box that allows you to search on your terms through over 230 source code examples and demo applications included in the installation. Conveniently navigate to sections representing each of our compelling controls through the collapsible left hand menu. Each control section boasts a tiled representation of the contents of source examples and demo applications for the control, navigable through a touch responsive (or mouse responsive) panorama. Some tiles provide a visual preview of the contained example further streamlining your access to the information you need.

Figure 2 - control menu and search functionality

Once you’ve found the sample you are looking for, you can set parameter values and options through a collapsible right-hand options pane. You can also review the C# and VB source code of the sample through the tabbed interface. To gain more space to focus on your example, you can easily collapse both the left-hand controls menu as well as the options pane.

Figure 3- collapsed controls menu with options pane and source code tabs


A common feature request has come to fruition. RadTrackBar now gives you the ability to support multiple ranges on the same control. Included are 4 different modes available that give you the flexibility to obtain the look and behavior you are seeking from this control.

· SingleThumb mode provides the standard single range, where users have the ability to change a single value for the range

· Range mode provides a double range where the user has the ability to define the start and ending values for the range.

· MultipleRange provides the user the ability to set the beginning and ending values for more than one range

· StartFromTheBeginning mode allows the user to define multiple ranges by setting ending values - much like having multiple SingleThumb ranges on one control

Figure 4 - the four modes of RadTrackBar


We hope you will enjoy the new demo application, the C# source code for the application is also provided if you want to take a look under the hood. The RadTrackBar control is also evolving, based on feedback obtained for customers it now has support for multiple ranges. Don’t delay, check it out today. As always we are happy to hear your feedback.

About the Author

Carey Payette

Carey Payette is a Senior Software Engineer with Trillium Innovations (a Solliance partner), an ASPInsider, a Progress Ninja, a Microsoft Certified Trainer and a Microsoft Azure MVP. Her primary focus is cloud integration and deployment for the web, mobile, big data, AI, machine learning and IoT spaces. Always eager to learn, she regularly tinkers with various sensors, microcontrollers, programming languages and frameworks. Carey is also a wife and mom to three fabulous boys.