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March 23, 2007 Release
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Below is a summary of the new online resources available for our ASP.NET controls:


Code library entries:

Help topics:

  • Add controls to column templates (will become part of the Getting started section)
  • Different styles in each hierarchy level with skin applied (will be available under the Controlling visual appearance chapter of the product documentation)
  • Virtual scrolling/paging (new content covering the online demo is included)
  • AJAX-enabled RadMenu as context menu in RadGrid (under the Integration with other controls chapter)

Online demos:

  • Virtual scrolling/paging (Yahoo-style virtual scrolling included for the next version of the product)

The RadGrid server-side API is improved significantly (with descriptions/code sections)


Code library entries:


Help topics:

  • Example Scenarios ->Client-Side->Checking only One TreeNode (not uploaded yet)

Code library entries:


Help topics:

  • How to set focus to the second combo of two dependant comboboxes (not uploaded yet)


Online demos:

New help topic shared among all navigation controls:

  • Troubleshooting -> JS Error "RadControl is Undefined" (not uploaded yet)


Online examples:

Code library entries:

KB articles:

About the Author

Stefan Rahnev

Stefan Rahnev (@StDiR) is Product Manager for Telerik Kendo UI living in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has been working for the company since 2005, when he started out as a regular support officer. His next steps at Telerik took him through the positions of Technical Support Director, co-team leader in one of the ASP.NET AJAX teams and unit manager for UI for ASP.NET AJAX and Kendo UI. Stefan’s main interests are web development, agile processes planning and management, client services and psychology.