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August 07, 2007 Web, ASP.NET AJAX
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Hi everyone,

We decided to start series of blog posts targeting interesting examples which can be easily implemented with RadControls. These short posts will be accompanied by flash movies (they will start in new window when you click the image at the bottom of the message) which outline the main parts of the demos. That is where the name of blog comes from - Telerik corporation presents. We hope you will enjoy the reading and do not spare your ideas about videos you would like to see here - who knows, may be you can become the producer/director of the next movie from the series :)

Now up to series 1:

Some time ago a guy in the forums asked me a question: "Can I implement Excel filtering with RadGrid? But rather than displaying a dropdown with options I prefer to pop-up column-dependant context menu and filter the data one menu item selection". What came to my mind first is this: "This might require some effort and a lot of coding", however I appeared to be wrong. Several lines of javascript and server-side code and swift RadGrid, RadMenu and RadAjax configuration did the trick in less than half an hour. You can see the final result in the movie attached to this post.

The project on which this video is based is available in public here.

Feel free to share your comments/thoughts with me on how we can improve/optimize the implementation. Bottom line, everything seem pretty slick and good to go.

Click on the image to watch the video

About the Author

Stefan Tsokev

Stefan’s main interests outside the .NET domain include rock music, playing the guitar and swimming.