Is there a fix for File Manager list view paging

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FileManager Pager
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Michael asked on 19 Apr 2023, 04:57 PM


There is an existing issue with File Manger pagination in List Mode (Grid Mode works fine).

The issue is that the paginator does not get updated with total count of items in the folder just opened/expanded.  The count remains the same as first/home page.

E.g.  On home page of file manager, I have 5 items ( 3 folders, 2 files)... so pager widget reads "1 - 5  of 5 items".

Once I click on a folder (one of the 5 items), it opens to show 50 (of 25000) files.  However, the paginator widget stays at "1 -5 of 5 items".   Thus leaving the user screwed because there are no pager links to get to next page of items as it thinks it has only 5 items in view when there are actually 50 in view, and it thinks total items are 5 instead of 25,000.

If I switch to Grid mode, it all works perfectly.  Both my list and grid views are configured exactly the same.


                                views: { 
                                list: {
                                    pageable: {
                                        alwaysVisible: true,
                                        pageSizes: [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000]
                                    pageable: true,
                                    selectable: "single" //allows only single selection int the ListView
                                grid: {
                                    pageable: {
                                        alwaysVisible: true,
                                        pageSizes: [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000]
                                    pageable: true,
                                    selectable: "single" //allows only single selection int the ListView


So an obvious bug...but when will there be a fix?  Or a workaround? Currently I am working on rolling my own here.  I have to trap the "open" event (double click)...and the  reset the datasource with the correct items for the folder clicked on, and update the datasurce totals...then it works fine...but i have lost context of parent folders by resetting the data source with items at folder level.

The way it is currently, list mode is useless in FileManager...unless your sub folders have less items than your root folder.



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commented on 19 Apr 2023, 05:59 PM | edited

A newly discovered workaround...if the data is loaded in grid view first, it all works fine...then switch to List view, and all is good. However, this a folder by folder task.  If user is in list mode and clicks on folder, you have to trap the "open" call, and programmatically switch to grid mode, then back to list view.   Both list and grid views work off the same data. So if grid view works correctly, then the grid view logic must set all the variables correctly every time (like the pager).  Once it is set correctly, the list view will piggyback of that success. 

However, this had to be done every time user clicks on a folder.  This should be an easy fix for Telerik people now that they have this info.

Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
commented on 24 Apr 2023, 12:25 PM

Hi, Michael,

I left you a response in the following thread: 

Best Regards,


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FileManager Pager
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