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Create Chart with Code

3 Answers 87 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Yonggu Kang
Top achievements
Rank 1
Yonggu Kang asked on 21 Feb 2014, 02:41 PM
Hi telerik,

I have to create chart with code not xaml having LogarithmicAxis and LinearAxis, but can't display series successfully
and don't know  what is my mistake, though I refered your sample code in this forum and your doc as well.
My code snippet is as follows;
private RadCartesianChart GetChart()
         RadCartesianChart cartChart = new RadCartesianChart();
         cartChart.HorizontalAxis = new LinearAxis() { Maximum = 50, Minimum = 17, MajorStep = 3 };
         cartChart.VerticalAxis = new LogarithmicAxis() { LogarithmBase = 10, Minimum = 1000, Maximum = 1000000 };
         LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries() { ShowLabels = true };
         // lineSeries.CategoryBinding = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding() { PropertyName = "Age" };
         lineSeries.CategoryBinding = new GenericDataPointBinding<CordXy, double>() { ValueSelector = value => value.Age };
         lineSeries.ValueBinding = new GenericDataPointBinding<CordXy, double>() { ValueSelector = cord => cord.Num };
         // lineSeries.ValueBinding = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding() { PropertyName = "Num" };
         lineSeries.ItemsSource = CordXy.GetFollicleList();
         DoubleCollection aray = new DoubleCollection(new double[] {1,1});
                 new CartesianCustomLineAnnotation
                     HorizontalFrom = 35,
                     HorizontalTo = 35,
                     VerticalFrom = 0,
                     VerticalTo = 1000000,
                     Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
                     StrokeThickness = 2,
                     DashArray = aray
         return cartChart;
 public class CordXy
     public double Age { get; set; }
     public double Num { get; set; }
     public static ObservableCollection<CordXy> GetFollicleList()
         var result = new ObservableCollection<CordXy>();
         for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++)
             var add = new CordXy();
             add.Age = i + 18;
             add.Num = Math.Pow(10, (5.717 - 0.00019 * Math.Pow(add.Age, 2.452)));
         return result;

As you see, x-axis is linear which shows age of person and y-axis shows calculated value as logarithmic.
I think I did correct as you told with your sample and doc, but no luck.
Pls see my attached image and advise me what I made a mistake.

Thank you in advance.


3 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Feb 2014, 09:46 AM
Hello Kang,

You can combine different type of series with the appropriate type of axis – more about the possible combinations you can see in our Series and Axes article. In your RadChartView you have Logarithmic Axis and Linear Axis, which required using of Scatter Series, that can be plotted on two linear axes unlike the other series (like Line Series ) which are always plotted on a categorical and a linear or another categorical axis. So, if you change the Line Series with Scatter Series, they will be displayed successfully.

For your convenience I’m sending you a sample project (following your code), where I’ve used a ScatterLineSeries.

I hope this information helps you.

Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 26 Feb 2014, 09:59 AM
Hello Kang,

You can combine different type of series with the appropriate type of axis – more about the possible combinations you can see in our Series and Axes article. In your RadChartView you have Logarithmic Axis and Linear Axis, which required using of Scatter Series, that can be plotted on two linear axes unlike the other series (like Line Series ) which are always plotted on a categorical and a linear or another categorical axis. So, if you change the Line Series with Scatter Series, they will be displayed successfully.

For your convenience I’m sending you a sample project (following your code), where I’ve used a ScatterLineSeries.

I hope this information helps you.

Pavel R. Pavlov
Yonggu Kang
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 03 Mar 2014, 05:38 AM
Thank you Milena,
It works great and your kind explanation was a great help.

Asked by
Yonggu Kang
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Telerik team
Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
Yonggu Kang
Top achievements
Rank 1
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