Telerik Forums
UI for Universal Windows Platform Forum
7 answers
How to change the "No Data" message that is displayed by default when there are no items to display in the RadListView?
Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 06 Aug 2020
2 answers

Can a RadDataGrid have a two way binding?

Whenever I edit a cell in the following TwoWay binded grid, the source collection is not updated. Is this the defined behaviour?



<tg:RadDataGrid x:Name="radGrid"
  Style="{StaticResource RadDataGridInsideStyle}"
  ItemsSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.TrainingsSummary, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"


The source collection is defined as follows:


public ObservableCollection<OverviewTrainingsReportDTO> TrainingsSummary { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<OverviewTrainingsReportDTO>();




Telerik team
 answered on 23 Jul 2020
1 answer


I created a RadDataGrid and a custom edit command as described in the edit commands doc. However the Execute method is never called.

What else do I need to do to fire a commit edit command?

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 22 Jul 2020
3 answers

I would like to create a chart where a stacked BarSeries is combined with a LineSeries. The horizontal axis is Categorical and shows week numbers (Category), the vertical is Linear (Value). The example data is this:

            List<Data> barCollection = new List<Data>();
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 1", Label = "Preperation", Value = 5 });
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 2", Label = "Preperation", Value = 3 });
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 3", Label = "Preperation", Value = 4 });
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 1", Label = "Production", Value = 4 });
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 2", Label = "Production", Value = 3 });
            barCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 3", Label = "Production", Value = 3 });

            List<Data> lineCollection = new List<Data>();
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 1", Label = "Project", Value = 8 });
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 2", Label = "Project", Value = 7 });
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 3", Label = "Project", Value = 4 });
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 1", Label = "QuoteAndProjects", Value = 8 });
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 2", Label = "QuoteAndProjects", Value = 9 });
            lineCollection.Add(new Data { Category = "Wk 3", Label = "QuoteAndProjects", Value = 7 });

The bar-items need to be stacked in each week. The line-items (Two lines, based on the Label) are separate from each other. They need to be shown in front of the bars, since they might not be visible otherwise.

I have found several simple examples of individual portions of this question, but the combination is what makes it difficult. Can anyone help me in the right direction? 

Telerik team
 answered on 10 Jul 2020
2 answers
The RadDataGrid vertical scroll bar covers the filter control for the last column. It's difficult for the user to click the filter control when the vertical scroll bar appears. How can I fix this?
Telerik team
 answered on 02 Jul 2020
11 answers

I installed ProgressĀ® TelerikĀ® UI for UWP, but I'm not seeing all Telerik references.


I'm attaching screenshots.

Telerik team
 answered on 02 Jul 2020
1 answer
I have a grid with a number of columns. Several of the columns have filters. When I apply one of the filters, the last column on the right disappears when the grid refreshes. The code makes no changes as to whether or not a column is visible or not. Why is this happening?
Telerik team
 answered on 01 Jul 2020
3 answers

I have a checkbox in the cell template that has the visibility attribute.
On Loading, it works but after scrolling, It is showing

Please take look into below code

<telerikGrid:DataGridTemplateColumn Width="35" SizeMode="Fixed" >
                                <CheckBox />
                                    <CheckBox  Visibility="{Binding IsSerialSelectedCheckboxVisible}" />

Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jun 2020
2 answers

By default, ScatterAreaSeries / ScatterSplineAreaSeries seems to fill the area around Y = 0 axis (the blue).

I want ScatterAreaSeries / ScatterSplineAreaSeries to fill the area below the data point with negative Y value (the yellow area).

How can I achieve the yellow area with ScatterAreaSeries / ScatterSplineAreaSeries ?

Also, are there any Annotation / Series to fill the shape like yellow area?

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Rank 1
 answered on 28 May 2020
3 answers

I have become increasingly disappointed with Telerik's investment in all things related to UWP development.  UWP enhancements have been essentially stagnant for months!  The ImageControl, support for PDF documents, and porting of the many control categories that are part of the WPF solution like the Designer control have not inched forward even slightly.

It is clear that Telerik is investing in cross platform.  My customers, the majority of which are large corporations all have major UWP initiatives under way that will be coming to fruition by the end of this year.  I have not been able to support their efforts with Telerik components, but have been forced to introduce competing products.  As a result, by the end of this year Telerik's position in the market place with respect to UWP will be very compromised.

Unless there a is a significant, immediate and highly visible adjustment in course on the part of Telerik with respect to UWP, my customers will be moving away from Teleirk components because there is nothing I can offer them that is comparable to the competition.

Some time ago I asked why the Designer components were released as a Windows 8 app and never made available as a component to developers effectively placing Telerik in the position of competing with its developers.  Telerik's response was less than opaque.  I've since figured out why that was the case.  Moving into the "Builder Tool" solution space might seem like a good idea, but it will be at the expense of customers like myself and those that I support who expect library components with source code.  I need the Designer source code working on UWP.  I need the ImageControl and its source for UWP.  I need PDF processing support for UWP.  I need all of the current Universal Windows controls working on UWP.  I need to start seeing WPF controls that do not overlapping with native UWP controls to start being issued as beta controls on UWP.  If that doesn't happen over the next few months I will need to move away from Telerik.

I've been a customer for quite some time.  You should consider carefully the long term ramifications of losing customers like myself.  Maybe I've got it wrong and UWP will be a dud.  Maybe I've got it right, in which case Telerik will lose a slue of corporate customers by the end of this year and find it very hard to get back in the UWP game.  UWP is MOBILE, UWP is IOT, UWP is Desktop, UWP is tablets, UWP is gaming consoles and soon UWP will even be in the cloud.  Is that not the definition of cross platform?

Telerik team
 answered on 20 May 2020
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