How to correctly trace all outboud Node.js request on server apps with Express

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Fiddler Classic Windows
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Viacheslav asked on 30 Apr 2024, 08:08 AM | edited on 30 Apr 2024, 08:09 AM

I try many library, last library I try was global-tunnel-ng, but still have no result. Usually I use fiddler to trace various request, my Fiddler listen port 8888, therefore I try to use


  var globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng');
    host: 'ipv4.fiddler',
    port: 8888,

  // my various request to Google, to AWS and more


I expected to see all request on Fiddler, but there are nothing any request on Fiddler panel. 'localhost' and '' as ProxyURL also don't working. What I doing wrong?


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commented on 17 May 2024, 11:40 AM

Ensure that Fiddler is running and listening on port 8888. global-tunnel-ng might not be compatible with the specific version of Node.js or other dependencies in your project.
Sometimes, proxy configurations are set using environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY). Make sure these variables are correctly set to or http://localhost:8888.

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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Apr 2024, 09:37 AM

Hello Viacheslav,


There are few things to consider:

1. Not all localhost traffic is automatically captured by Fiddler Classic. You can try using the solutions described here: 

2. Not all node.js libraries or CLI applications automatically respect the global environment variables. We have dedicated instructions provided for Fiddler Everywhere (a different product from Fiddler Classic), which will work on Fiddler Classic if you update the used port (which, by default, Is port 8888 for Classic and port 8866 for Fiddler Everywhere). 

I am unaware of the specific library global-tunnel-ng, but you should be able to capture requests from most Node.js libraries through the above instructions. 

As a side note, the Fiddler Everywhere application also has a dedicated terminal capturing mode, which enables you to start your application from a sandboxed and preconfigured proxy instance.


Nick Iliev
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Fiddler Classic Windows
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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
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