Grid Clear filter button feature request

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Anthony asked on 15 May 2024, 04:08 PM

Could there be an option to NOT close the filter dropdown when the clear button is pressed?

I just got a request for this, and their thought is they will have a filter set, then want to click clear and then still pick new items to filter before leaving the dropdown.

Also, watching him on a touch device made it also especially painful.

Hristian Stefanov
Telerik team
commented on 20 May 2024, 03:23 PM

Hi Anthony,

I raised a discussion with our development team on the topic, and I will get back to you shortly with more details.

Kind Regards,


Hristian Stefanov
Telerik team
commented on 22 May 2024, 04:27 PM

Hi Anthony,

The result of our discussion with the team is that keeping the filter dropdown open when the clear button is pressed is a valid feature request. Thus, I created a public item on your behalf to address this: Keep Filter Menu open when the "Clear" button is clicked.

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In the meantime, if any possible alternatives emerge, I will share them in the above item's comment section.

Kind Regards,


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