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Editing properties on multiple tests

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Andrew asked on 25 Nov 2013, 04:16 PM
We're working on a rather large regression test suite.  We've decided we want to use a dynamic list to run the tests that are completed.  We can use something as simple as adding "ready" to a custom test property.  However, we've already completed a few hundred tests.  Is there some expedient way to edit the properties of multiple tests at the same time?  Or, is there a better way for us to dynamically determine what test are ready to run?


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answered on 28 Nov 2013, 02:28 PM
Hello Andrew,

There is no better way to dynamically determine the tests ready for run, than using a custom property of the test. However it is not possible to edit the properties of multiple tests at once. You will have to this manually, editing one by one. 
The other way can be using a script to edit the JSON of each of .tstest files (not recommended) and add the following line:

"CustomProperty1" : "Ready",

like in your case, but this way you risk to corrupt your existing tests and experience additional problems.

Thank you for your understanding.

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