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Testing framework Help !!!

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Filip asked on 01 Aug 2019, 03:56 PM

One of the activities I will be working on in the lab is a test framework. A few examples of features are:
*  Basic instrument control (E.g. Multimeters, Power supplies, Signal generators, Scopes, etc.);
*  Executing preprogrammed test sequences (created by one of the test engineers);
*  Register control over multiple data interfaces (JTAG, SPI, etc.)
The exact implementations of the different mentioned features are not important at the moment. However, important is that I do not know exactly how this program will be expanded in the future. New interfaces may have to be added, or different functionalities are needed to support the increasing complexity of our test cases.
a)  Please try to explain some important structures or methods to cope with these expansions in general.
b)  Can you think of any methods to make it easier for the test engineers to compose above mentioned test sequences?
c)  What techniques would you use to develop such a program? (Programming language, framework(s), tools, etc.). Please explain your answer.


Can anyone please help me by providing a short/simple answers for those questions? Thanks in advance!

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