Bug: TimePicker with custom input does not lose focus on popup

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Paul asked on 19 Dec 2023, 03:21 PM
If i have a TimePicker with a date-input template then the popup will not lose focus and disappear when you click elsewhere on the page (on another control input for example). When i bind to the popup 'show' property and attach handlers to the 'blur' and 'iconclicked' events i can get the popup to hide but on clicking 'Set' on the popup the 'change' event is never raised and the TimePicker input is not updated with the selected time.

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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 22 Dec 2023, 12:07 PM

Hello Paul,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

I was able to observe the issue in question and I do agree that the closing of the popup should remain the same even with custom input. I will discuss the issue with the developers team, but meanwhile you can handle the onBlur event and use the TimePicker ref and its "setShow" method to close the popup. Here is an example demonstrating this approach:

Hope this helps.


Konstantin Dikov
Progress Telerik

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commented on 02 Jan 2024, 08:04 AM

Thanks Konstantin. I'll try and use the TimePicker ref.
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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
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