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Reporting Forum
1 answer
I have a scenario where I have multiple components, including tables, panels with textboxes, and charts/graphs. I want to add a page break after a specific panel to ensure that it appears on the new page regardless of the size of the content on the previous page. I do not see any straightforward way to do this, and the keepTogether property doesn't always work.
2 answers

I have these rows of data coming from DataSource example is in the attached file image

- Want to do some math expressions of every row like Subtraction(BRUTO - DESCUENTO) and show the value in NETO painted in the pink line and circle for individual rows of data.
- I tried to use the expressions SUM(DOC_UNID_BRUTO) and SUM(DOC_UNID_DESCUENTO) try to get the Total SUM of these fields but are just getting the individual first value.
- And the last thing is I want to do a subtraction of the total of NETO and DESCUENTO in the last bottom right corner
1 answer
Hello there,

I have this issue when generating my report, it duplicates the number of pages based on the amount of rows of data that my DataSource provides to the Report.
Another detail is the external border when generated from the report but in the preview or the designer doesn't show the border
How I can remove it?

I am using a table wizard connected to the data source (SQL Data Source).

Example in the attached file
1 answer


Support team,

I am exploring a trial of Telerik. I have installed the Reports Server on a remote windows server. and it is running. I have made users in the User Management and given them all the permissions.

In the Telerik Report Designer, running on my local machine, I am trying to Add A Report Server. I entered the server URL from my server, then the local user and pwd.

I get the error "Error while logging into the server. Please check the URL and credentials."

I assume I have the right URL. It came from the setting screen on the reports server. I saw another user's ticket with this issue, from years ago, and it suggested installing Fiddler and sending the logs. I have installed Fiddler, but do not know how to simulate logging into the reports server.

Any help would be appreciated.



Telerik team
 answered on 10 May 2024
1 answer

Hello again,

We are getting an unexpected scrollbar which allows us to scroll between pages one and two of our reports list. We would rather just use the nav bar to switch between both pages.

Is there something perhaps in the backend designer that needs to be updated ? Some property somewhere ? Or just a css class override on the front end ?

ex/ see page-wrapper class

class="trv-page-wrapper active"


And using the navbar, we would rather just switch between pages via those left/right arrow icons - and NOT have the scrollbar shown here in the screenshow.

In the meantime, I'm doing some debugging to see if I can find the solution...



Telerik team
 answered on 10 May 2024
2 answers

Hello Team, I'm trying to implement a User Defined Function to be access by Telerik Reports. Is a simple Replace function.

In Report designer I followed the instructions of copying the dll where the report designer is located. It runs fine using the following expression   TelerikFunctions.Telerik_F.Replace("t").

When I try to run it from an API, It does not return anything.

  • I added the TelerikFunctions.dll to the current project where TelerikReporting.dll is located.
  • I added the following entries on the  appsettings.json  

"configuration": {
"configSections": {
"section": [
"_name": "Telerik.Reporting",
"_type": "Telerik.Reporting.Configuration.ReportingConfigurationSection, Telerik.Reporting",
"_allowLocation": "true",
"_allowDefinition": "Everywhere"
"_name": "Telerik.ReportDesigner",
"_type": "Telerik.ReportDesigner.Configuration.ReportDesignerConfigurationSection, Telerik.ReportDesigner.Configuration",
"_allowLocation": "true",
"_allowDefinition": "Everywhere"
"telerikReporting": {
"assemblyReferences": [
"name": "TelerikFunctions",
"version": "",
"culture": "neutral",
"publicKeyToken": "null"

I also placed the function in the wwwRoot where the reports are located. But still, it doesn't recognize the function.    

Class Library containing UDF

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Rank 1
 answered on 08 May 2024
2 answers


Is there a plan to add the Telerik.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll as a NuGet package as well? I already saw some ReportViewer packages, but not for this one. A local installation of the latest Telerik Reporting provides this dll, but that is not very convenient in automatic deployment and testing. And I'd prefer using official packages instead of  custom packaged dlls.


1 answer

We converted the .rpt file to .trdp file using Telerik Standalone Report Wizard. The result is as in the screenshot.

But the data is not visible in the report. We are not sure about the reason. Can you help us on the below questions?

1) In our case, we have a table in the database with 3 columns it includes a binary datatype also. Whether this cause the data displaying issue?

2) If so, then to which format we have to convert the binary data?

I have attached the .rpt file.  (Rename .txt to .rpt).

Telerik team
 answered on 06 May 2024
1 answer

Hello, we're in the process of migrating from Oracle Reports (since it's no longer supported) and are evaluating Telerik Reporting as a solution. After looking up the the Standalone editor and make a few POC reports, we have a few questions.

For reference :

  • we have ~700 reports that we will migrate over time. They all are "static" reports, meaning that we only want to produce a PDF that will be downloaded by the user at the click of a button.
  • we don't intend to use the Telerik Report Server solution.
  • we want our reports to consume a REST url to get the needed data (which will return a JSON). Which means we probably will have a REST url for each report.

Here are our questions :

  1. What's the difference between the .NET Framework and .NET 6 standalone executables ? Why use one or the other ? Are the report files (.TRDP/.TRDX) produced identical between the two ?
  2. When upgrading Telerik Reporting, we understand that we have to be careful about the version and it's changes. What about the report files ? Do we have to "upgrade" each and every one of them manually each time we upgrade Telerik Reporting ? With ~700 reports, it would be way too much time consuming.
  3. Our development workflow would be the following. Are there any catch we should be aware ? Is it feasible ? 
    1. Create a REST url for the new report
    2. Create the new report with the standalone editor and set it's datasource with the newly created REST url
    3. Push the report on a custom report server
    4. Implement the call to the report in our application

  4. Lastly, what's the best practice for the report versioning ? We'd like to use a GIT to store our report files and show diffs between each revision. I understand I would not be possible with a .TRDP since it's an archive, so should we save and store our report file as .TRDX to achieve this ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

1 answer

Hello again Dimitar,

If I may follow up with some follow-up questions re: our Angular 16 implementation of Report Viewer v18:

1) I need to add a default  'ALL' option to the combo_box dropdown values.

Would I need to do that in the backend report designer, or is it easy enough on the front end?

In the old v14 javaScript code, we had option 'ALL' directly coded into TelerikViewerv14.js, but I'd like to avoid that.

In the latest telerik-angular-report-viewer "^21.24.305" (not the native angular one), our HTML looks as follows:

        editors: {
            multiSelect: 'COMBO_BOX',
            singleSelect: 'COMBO_BOX'

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { AppConfigService } from "src/app/core/services/app-config.service";
import * as GG from "../core/models/globals";

    selector: "app-statistics",
    templateUrl: "./statistics.component.html",
    styleUrls: ["./statistics.component.scss"],
export class StatisticsComponent {
    currentPatient: any;
    serviceUrl: string;
    reportSource: any;

    telerikTemplateUrl: string;
    viewerContainerStyle = {
        position: 'relative',
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        ['font-family']: 'ms sans serif'
    constructor(private readonly config: AppConfigService) {
        this.serviceUrl = + GG.SV_REPORTS;
        this.telerikTemplateUrl = "assets/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate-";

        this.reportSource = {
            report: "SynReports.ReportCatalog, SynReports",
            parameters: {
                UserID: ...,
                SessionID: ...,
                RootUrl: "",                
and we import from our stats.module.ts -
import { TelerikReportingModule } from '@progress/telerik-angular-report-viewer';

2) In the dropdowns, the list is bleeding into the datepicker below it. Would I need a specific version of kendo-theme-material package, for example, with telerik-report-viewer v21.24.305 ?

   In the meantime, I'm looking at overriding some classes coming from the backend css, which is linked in your template, telerikReportViewerTemplate- - but no success in figureout out this div issue.

<link href="{service}resources/font/fonticons-" rel="stylesheet" />



Telerik team
 answered on 29 Apr 2024
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