Reinstall the Filter for Fiddler Everywhere - MacOS

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Fiddler Everywhere MacOS
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Black asked on 17 May 2024, 08:53 AM
Is there currently a way to get the Filter back?

When I try to enable the System Capture it says: Capturing not enabled, please try again! 
I removed the Filter manually, but now I cannot add it back, I won't get asked. I checked if there is some local Storage, but couldn't find any.

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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 17 May 2024, 09:25 AM


I assume that when you mention "Filter," you are referring to the Fiddler's network extension installed as a network filter on macOS. If you encounter an error message when attempting to start the network capturing mode instead of the system capturing mode, you can follow the steps provided in this link to remove the network extension entirely: After removing the extension, try enabling the network capturing mode again. If the issue persists, consider completely reinstalling the Fiddler Everywhere application.

If "Filter" refers to something else, please provide more details about the steps you are taking in Fiddler Everywhere. Additionally, you can share screenshots and the Fiddler application logs in a private thread (you can post one through Telerik's Support Center) to maintain data privacy.


Nick Iliev
Progress Telerik

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commented on 17 May 2024, 09:43 AM

Yep, I mean the extension. I removed the Extension using the provided way, but I won't get asked, if I want to reinstall it.

I also removed and redownloaded Fiddler everywhere. When uninstalling Fiddler Everywhere, it even tells me, there is a System Component that will be removed. 

But nothing helps. Sadly. That'S why I asked if I manually can install the Filter maybe? (I assume there is a Command Line executed)
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
commented on 17 May 2024, 10:03 AM

After uninstalling the Fiddler Everywhere application, including its network extension, perform a full macOS restart to ensure that the changes are registered by the system.

Then start Fiddler Everywhere and retry enabling the network capturing mode.

Another thing to do is to check if the extension is not already installed and awaiting your explicit permission in the macOS Settings > Privacy & Security (check the screenshot for reference).


Fiddler Everywhere MacOS
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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
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